Umbrella Revolution

Umbrella Revolution” has been the hottest topic for all sorts of magazines and newspaper. The protest started in the late September. It started because the Chinese government said that they are going to approve the candidate who can run for the upcoming election in 2017. People started protesting, and as time passes along, the protesting transferred into some sort of revolution. This revolution is all about if Hong Kong could stay as “Hong Kong”, or it’s just going to become like other provinces in China mainland.

Hong Kong has always been referred to a financially successful city. It has developed its own legal system and economic system, when it was under the lead of the British. When it was given back to China, it kept its own systems. As it was mentioned in Vivian Lam‘s blog, the revolution may damage Hong Kong’s current reputation in the financial world. Certainly, The Umbrella Revolution is going to have a huge economic impact on China, because the investors would consider of the higher risk of putting money into Hong Kong’s market

A protester raises his umbrellas in front of tear gas which was fired by riot police to disperse protesters blocking the main street to the financial Central district outside the government headquarters in Hong Kong.

However, we could look at this revolution from a different perspective. As the revolution slows down China’s economic growth, US’s economic growth is accelerating. The difference between two is a “positive net global impact”. That means it is a good thing for global economic growth.

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