Just think long term

Sustainability in Beauty

The cosmetics industry is booming with plenty of new makeup gurus emerging on the internet every day. They review piles of makeup items or skin care items every day and the terms that are remotely close to sustainability are cruelty-free, natural and organic. On top of that, those influencers never fail to shock me with the amount of makeup they own and the amount of makeup they end of throwing away. I think it is time to start an evolution in the cosmetics industry and raise people’s awareness of sustainable beauty.

There are many innovations in the industry already, and the majority of them are seen in the formulations. Less toxin in the products for sure and a wide range of green ingredients are used in the product. Some innovations can also be seen in packaging. Nowadays, companies are under pressure to reduce their packaging impacts. Bulldog, a British company, and Surya, a Brazilian company, have been using green polyethylene plastic which is made from sugar cane (Whitehouse, 2018).  However, only a handful of other sustainable practices exist in the market, and most companies don’t hire influencers to promote that.

In class, we learned about the circular economy encompassing ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’. Aside from the actual cosmetics product itself, its packaging plays a big role in the environmental impact. I think it is essential to apply the circular economy concept to the packaging. For example, people normally throw away their mascara tubes after the product inside is exhausted which creates a huge amount of waste. This problem can be solved by mascara refill where people reuse their mascara tubes over and over again thereby reducing the amount of plastic used in making mascaras. By being sustainable, companies will be able to attract green consumers who are willing to pay a premium price for a product that’s aligned with their values. Over time, green customers could build loyalty towards socially, environmentally and financially responsible companies.

Since there are many steps involved in the cosmetics supply chain, companies should implement sustainability policies in product innovation, manufacturing and souring, and strong certification standards that are consistent across the entire industry.





  1. Whitehouse, L. (2018, September 04). Sustainability in beauty: Top future predictions from industry expert. Retrieved from https://www.cosmeticsdesign-europe.com/Article/2018/09/04/Sustainability-in-beauty-top-future-predictions-from-industry-expert
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