IPad-like device for $35

Posted by: | October 25, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Re: Aakash- Today’s Word for Affordable and Accessible – Priscilla Wito’s Blog The ‘Aakash’ is a computer device, similar to that of Apple’s IPad.  Originally, the Aakash was suppose to be a prototype of an extremely affordable laptop. For only $35, “it supports web browsing and video conferencing, has a three-hour battery life and two […]

Dr. Pepper has recently launched an interesting ad campaign for their new beverage ‘Dr Pepper Ten’, a diet version of the original Dr. Pepper which contains only ten calories.  Their marketing scheme seems to be targeting the male market, which is evident in their new commercial and slogan, “It’s not for women.”  However, one musn’t mistaken that Dr. Pepper Ten is only for men. […]

While the world seems to be facing an economic downturn, the haute couture industry has not been affected since most of their buyers are Arab women from oil rich middle eastern nations such as Qatar, the world’s richest nation per capita.  Arab women show off their social status by wearing designer dresses to social events such as weddings.  […]

In November 2010, Health Canada recommended renaming energy drinks to ‘stimulant drug containing drinks’ and that the beverage be sold under supervision of a pharmacist, according an article from The Vancouver Sun. The recommendation to rename the product was mainly due to the fact that the name, energy drinks, is inaccurate and deceiving to customers who believe that energy […]

I was reading the newspaper the other day and stumbled upon an article about two brothers who, in attempt to rescue their father’s beef jerky business from closing down, had landed a $150,000 deal for 50% of the company’s share on the Dragon’s Den. The ‘Dragon’s Den’ is a Canadian reality television show where entreprenuers present their business ideas to venture capitalists, ‘the Dragons,’ in […]

  • October 2011
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