In November 2010, Health Canada recommended renaming energy drinks to ‘stimulant drug containing drinks’ and that the beverage be sold under supervision of a pharmacist, according an article from The Vancouver Sun.

The recommendation to rename the product was mainly due to the fact that the name, energy drinks, is inaccurate and deceiving to customers who believe that energy drinks are healthy.  Instead, energy drinks contain too much caffeine, an addictive drug which causes people to become addicted to the beverage, thus resulting in consumers buying and drinking more.

As a consumer, I think that renaming energy drinks to ‘stimulant drug containing drinks’ is a great idea.  The terms, ‘stimulant drug’, is seen as being bad for your health as it is associated with illegal substances.  Consumers will also be detered from drinking the unhealthy, health-defect causing, addictive, caffeine-filled beverage.  However, renaming energy drinks would cause a negative impact on marketers and energy drink companies since they would no longer have complete control over branding their product.


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  • October 2011
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