RE: Recessions and the Young

Posted by: | November 20, 2011 | Leave a Comment

External blog: ‘Bagehot’s Notebook,’ articles about British politics –  The Economist According to the article “Recessions and the Young,”  Bagehot states that the British government plans to solve their recession by creating jobs for youths in the labour market.  Youths, particularly teenagers, in Britain are suffering the most from the recession due to the growing numbers of youth unemployment which are reaching historic highs.  Foreigners and […]

The American government passed a bill during October 2011 that imposed tariffs on imports from China because China is ‘manipulating its currency‘ by ‘keeping it artificially low.’ Background Info: American corporations went to China for manufacturing because of China’s low cost of production.  This caused American corporations to earn a larger profit and Americans losing their job to low-waged workers […]

L’Oreal cosmetics mislead consumers

Posted by: | November 1, 2011 | 1 Comment

Re: “L’Oreal Advertisements banned in the UK” – Beini Chen’s Blog Post L’Oreal’s Eraser Foundation ad showing Julia Roberts’ perfectly smooth, glowing and blemish-free skin has been accused of unethical practices since the ad falsely led consumers to believe that their foundation will give the same results as Roberts’.  The UK government accused L’Oreal of performing digital re-touching to the original photo of […]

  • November 2011
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