WestJet spys on Air Canada

Posted by: | September 14, 2011 | Leave a Comment

In 2006, Air Canada won the legal case involving airline rival, WestJet, who was found guilty of accessing Air Canada’s internal Web site which contained private data and information about the company.  A WestJet employee was able to access Air Canada’s internal web site through the use of an employee password that he obtained when he use to work for Air Canada.  This password was passed along to the WestJet management team who then had access to Air Canada’s private information such as their fares/times for booking certain flights, flight routes, and Air Canada’s overall performance.

Air Canada and WestJet are rival airline companies who should be competeing for business in a lawful and fair manner.  However, the main ethical issue is that WestJet was illegally spying/snooping in Air Canada’s private information that weren’t theirs to see.  This private information gave WestJet and advantage since they were able to keep an eye on their competitor and used the information to improve their airline.


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