Dr. Pepper has recently launched an interesting ad campaign for their new beverage ‘Dr Pepper Ten’, a diet version of the original Dr. Pepper which contains only ten calories.  Their marketing scheme seems to be targeting the male market, which is evident in their new commercial and slogan, “It’s not for women.”  However, one musn’t mistaken that Dr. Pepper Ten is only for men.  Dr. Pepper Ten is meant for everyone.  The reason for specifically targeting men is because they tend to “shy away from diet drinks that aren’t preceived as ‘manly’ enough.” 

I think that Dr. Pepper Ten’s marketing tactic is genius.  Their commercial is more of a joke towards men who don’t like to be seen as ‘weight concious’.  Weight conciousness is associated mostly with women since they care about their figure; therefore, the diet drink market is usually made up of women.  The slogan will make women want to consume the diet drink just for the sake of proving the slogan wrong.  In terms of gaining the male customers, I don’t think that Dr. Pepper Ten’s ad will be very effective in changing the views of men who would probably just joke about the ad.


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  • October 2011
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