296 unethical advertising

i recently read a  case from my commercial law textbook  which is  about “intention to create legal relations”. there is an advertisement launched by PepsiCo which i think it is an unethical advertising.  “PepsiCo released a rewards program where customers can earn points to redeem products from pepsi catalogue, and extra points could be purchased for 10 cents a point. this Tv commercial promoting the points program showed a teenager arriving to school in an AV-8 Harrier Jump jet with a caption” Harrier Jet 7,000,000 Pepsi Points. Leonard collected some points and sent pepsi a cheque to purchase the remaining points to bring him to the necessary 7,000,000 point. However, PepsiCo refused to give him the jet. PepsiCo said that no reasonable person could believe that PepsiCo seriously intended to convey a jet worth approximately $23,000,000 for redemption of Pepsi points.( Leonard v.PepsiCo,inc., 88F.Supp.2d 115(S.D.N.Y.1999). by watching this ads, i think that even if someone who actually get 7,000,000 points, but Pepsico will not give them jets. this ads is an unethical advertising. which could help Pepsi boost the sells for a while, but will eventually damage their reputation. Nowadays, there are lots of reward program within Canada. e.g.. Aeroplan rewards for airplane tickets, save-on, safeway membership cards. by collecting these points we can actually redeem for something.  Another case is the Microsoft surface ads which compare surface with IPad. i saw couple of ads “i am a mac, i am a pc ” kinds of irony ads few years ago, Apple shows that their computer is better than the entire PC industries.   for my point of view, i think this” surface ads  is unethical in China. but, i am not sure if it’s ethical in north American?
