

Time is running so fast, we finally reach the end of this semester. This marketing class is very enjoyable. i would like to say that we have a great team. every group member is  actively doing their job.

The last find video is so different between paper work project, in the first 2 assignment, we only need to write down our owe part and combine them together. we have few group meeting, we don’t actually talk about it a lot.

This final video project,  we started our project about 2 weeks ago, begging with summarizing our assignment 1 and 2, figure out weakness, strength, going to recording room, end with a complete video. it actually did much work than the presentation. after finish this final project, i learned a lot about how marking work, why does Zara so successful, i also learned a new technique is use the final cut pro,  My job is doing the one of the STP part and editing the video, we have several versions of videos. But finally i think we choose the one can clearly empress our idea.

WeChat Marketing

After reading this article “WeChat Offical accounts and What This Mean for Marketers”, which reminder me of that WeChat is no longer just a simple social networking App as “Whatsapp, Line.  WeChat is not just growing super fast in China, and it nearly over 400 million registered users worldwide. This article mentions about “Services Account” and “ Official Account” the WeChat has already successful transfer to a Markering tool. it’s not only used by luxury brand to answer customers queries, but also been utilized by “customer services”. i am a WeChat user who previous use it for chatting with friends. However, i found that it becomes a very popular “promotion” tools for lots of users who own online. it’s like the “Subscription Account” that article said.  they updates their products on “Moments”. if i interested in their products, i can directly communicate with sales and get full details about the goods. Recently, i notices that WeChat could link your payment information to the account, which allows me to pay for products i bought. Also, they will add the “real-name registration system” to the next version in order to prevent fraud. For example, if i send some information about account number or numbers which weChat verified related to “money” they will try to block account.  i recently read a article about “Wechat Fraud” a guy who bought some product from a WeChat user’s online shop, transfer money form money mart to China. After he successful transfer full amount to the Fraud, the sellers closed the account.

the world without marketing ?

after i read Donald’s blog :  i try to image his point  that we can not live the world without marking. when i first came to Canada, my english is so poor that i do not want to go out. i can’t understand advertisement while i am watching Tv. when i first go to supermarket. i don’t even know what is the taste of some soft drink, what’s the flavour of chips ?However, after i go to T&T, Costco, they provide a service that customer can simple some new products. Customers can taste it before actually purchase. i thought it is fantastic as i never seen this kind of service in China before. after i taking marking, i realizes that these belongs to marketing strategies which enable company to test some new products in order to expand them. Last week, i attend to Marketing research group about “evaluation a New product”. they give me some candies and let me taste them while i am watching movies. after i finish movie, they let me write comments and issues about the candies. i can understand how company test their product before enter the market. they test, get feedbacks form focus groups such as university students and improve it. we live the world all round marketing, clothing, food, housing, transportation. we almost know these things though marketing.

Find your wallet

“find my iphone” is a powerful technique which help me find my lost phone several times. but, I always can not find my wallets, keys, and even my i-cliker when I was out to school. this issue has been bothering me for a long time. I tried many ways to get myself to remember put things into a fixed place,which will facilitate me to find what I needed. When I look at this product, I was very excited because I no longer have to worry about to find my keys before I leave home. I can paste it into my wallet.  I think this company is very smart, they discouvered the problem that everyone will encounter and provided solutions so quickly ,then lunch it into the market. There are many similar products,(like wallet TrackR, tile)  they first launched their new ideas, and financing, and a step by step implementation. This company is so quick to response it by flying lunch their products in the market.



leap Motion

I wanna introduce a company called LEAP Motion. Leap Motion manufacture a device which can be placed in front of computers, this device accurately mimics human hand movement that allows people to do elaborate jobs on their computer from a far distant without touching the mouse. Leap Motion is a very successful company in the market due to excellent marketing strategies. This company attract its customers by the fellowing ways: First of all, they made a fancy advertisement, showing how wonderful this product can be, And then, one year prior to the release of Leap Motion Controller, this company provide “pre-order” to customers who are interested in this product. Customers who are attracted by this product actually can get another 20$ off if they pre-order it. I am the one who pre-order this product and be one of them who first get this product in the world. After I receive this fancy machine 1 mother later, I finally can see this product in BestBuy, FutureShop.

296 unethical advertising

i recently read a  case from my commercial law textbook  which is  about “intention to create legal relations”. there is an advertisement launched by PepsiCo which i think it is an unethical advertising.  “PepsiCo released a rewards program where customers can earn points to redeem products from pepsi catalogue, and extra points could be purchased for 10 cents a point. this Tv commercial promoting the points program showed a teenager arriving to school in an AV-8 Harrier Jump jet with a caption” Harrier Jet 7,000,000 Pepsi Points. Leonard collected some points and sent pepsi a cheque to purchase the remaining points to bring him to the necessary 7,000,000 point. However, PepsiCo refused to give him the jet. PepsiCo said that no reasonable person could believe that PepsiCo seriously intended to convey a jet worth approximately $23,000,000 for redemption of Pepsi points.( Leonard v.PepsiCo,inc., 88F.Supp.2d 115(S.D.N.Y.1999). by watching this ads, i think that even if someone who actually get 7,000,000 points, but Pepsico will not give them jets. this ads is an unethical advertising. which could help Pepsi boost the sells for a while, but will eventually damage their reputation. Nowadays, there are lots of reward program within Canada. e.g.. Aeroplan rewards for airplane tickets, save-on, safeway membership cards. by collecting these points we can actually redeem for something.  Another case is the Microsoft surface ads which compare surface with IPad. i saw couple of ads “i am a mac, i am a pc ” kinds of irony ads few years ago, Apple shows that their computer is better than the entire PC industries.   for my point of view, i think this” surface ads  is unethical in China. but, i am not sure if it’s ethical in north American?