China’s Corruption Has Negatively Affected The Air

As a developing country experiencing a drastically rapid industrial growth, it is inevitable for China to suffer environmentally. Beijing, being the most polluted city in China, has experienced air pollution 40 times higher than the World Health Organization’s safety limit in January. A study by the American National Academy of Sciences stated that with the current air condition in northern China, life expectancy decreases, on average, by at least 5 years per person.

Taking an action for cleaning up China’s polluted air is a huge challenge for China, especially with their current way of doing things. In China, corruption happens within the top ranks of the Communist Party, the corruptors are commonly known as the ‘mayors’ that run the country. The ‘mayors’ tend to ignored the environmental edicts issued in Beijing for the sake of their businesses. As social pressures increases, threatening the rule of the Communist Party, China has no other choice but to take an immediate action.

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