Cultural Barriers For Businesses

There’s always a secret to everything, including the success of every big companies. As international businesses become even easier and more common, businesses started to take more risks in going global, but what exactly make an international business successful?

The key to the success itself relies on the knowledge that the business got. Not just the basic knowledge about how a business operates, but also about the culture of the country that the business operates. Culture varies between different countries, there might be some similarities between the countries that you are operating in, but you can almost find differences in each and every country that you’ve involved yourself with.

In order to be accepted by the people in a certain country, you have to fit in with their ‘certain’ culture, for example, in some countries gender is still a big and sensitive issue, there are some countries that still perceive women as that of a lower level than men. A simple information about that country can also be a big thing if you want to do your business there. For example, some countries such as China and Japan give see gifts as a formal way of settling or doing a business, but in Western cultures, they tend to associate gifts with the word ‘bribe’.


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