HP Has Lost Its Way

What has gone wrong with HP? That’s the question that we all would very much like to know. The answer actually varies depending on how a person sees the situation, a lot of people actually blame the past CEOs for the downfall of the company- although it’s not entirely wrong to say that, but blaming the entire problem on the CEOs is not exactly the perfect way to address the issue.

Over the years of progressing under the different CEOs (Carly F., Mark Hurd, Leo Apotheker), HP had changed into a mass production, profits-aiming business that rather than focusing on the pursue of creativity and innovation, focuses on minimizing costs and expenditures.

Years of inconsistencies, and the always changing CEOs has left the employees feeling both demotivated and unappreciated, which obviously clashed with their own beliefs of “making the employees one of their top priorities.”

The HP now has, indeed, gone far away from their HP way, back in 1990s, which probably is the main cause of their downfall- They are just too far away from their original motives.


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