Oliberté Clearly Knows What They Are Doing

Tal Dehtiar, the owner of an Oakville shoe company called Oliberte, clearly knows what he is doing. As the world’s first certified fair trade shoe company, Oliberte has provided tons of job opportunities to the people of Africa. Not only has this country provided a good deal of payment for the workers, Dehtiar also offered child care, medical care and bought picnic tables where employees could eat during lunch breaks.

Customers can not only benefit from the chance of owning a stylish leather shoes worth of $150, but also from knowing that they’ve contributed to helping the Africans through job, not aid.

The International Fair Trade Association has more than believe that the company has “concern for the social, economic and environmental well-being of marginalized small producers”and that Oliberte don’t “maximize profit at their expense.”

“We want to give people a different way to look at Africa,” Dehtiar said. “Our ad features a swimmer, skier and a boxer and we want people to see Africa not with pity. They should see these African sports ambassadors as a symbol of African empowerment.”

Overall, it’s one great of a business strategy, never thought of, which could be an excellent example of first-mover advantage businesses. Oliberte has not only made a good ‘social image’ in the eyes of the customers, but also a good brand awareness.





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