Google and Microsoft Helps The Blocking of Abuse Images

Google along with Microsoft, both as the leading search engine companies, have decided to agree measures to block abuse images. Both have decided to work together in making a new software that will prevent searches for child abuse imagery or any possible searches that could lead to such inappropriate imagery.

“As important, we will soon roll out these changes in more than 150 languages, so the impact will be truly global.” – Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt.

As social awareness for the said issue arises, demands from society also increases, which resulted to an add up pressure to global, big companies such as Google and Microsoft. It is, of course, a big and daring move coming out from both companies. And since most illegal abuse images are hidden on peer-to-peer networks, both companies had to take a drastic measure, involving the National Crime Agency and other organizations similar to that to help in the work of finding both the sources and the creators of child abuse images.

It’s a lot of work for them, and a huge responsibility since both of the companies have to bear with high society expectations, both direct and indirect.

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