Can a ‘startup culture’ survive long enough in an ever growing company?

Based on the report written by The Next Web, it seems that Facebook is the ultimate company to be in with its high degree of autonomy given to employees.

One of the phrase which caught my attention was this:

“our emphasis on moving fast and being bold”

This is, in essence, the core of the culture in Facebook where the company encourages faster development, not more thought-out approach to doing things.This was termed by the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg as ‘The Hacker’s Way’.

But as Facebook grows, it faces more expectations from users and advertisers on its site. Changing the website without a proper thought-out process can be dangerous in scaring off advertisers, as the recent controversy demonstrates.

In addition to advertisers, Facebook found that its users are beginning to demand more and expect it to be more reliable – just like a mature company. One of Facebook’s reason for using HTML5 in its smartphone apps was that it could push out updates faster and seamlessly. But the performance issue from using HTML5 caused a big outcry among users, forcing Facebook to adopt native code, and slower development process for its mobile apps, seemingly contradicting its ethos of “moving fast and being bold”.

Native Facebook App Demonstration

Now that Facebook has become a publicly-traded company, more pressure will be forced on the company to please advertisers and customers. Ultimately though, Zuckerberg retains absolute control over the company and the question that many will ask in the coming years is:

Will Zuckerberg maintain “The Hacker’s Way”?

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