Time for “Share a Coke”

Have you ever seen the Coca-cola listed in the fridge with your name? Sure most of you are. I also bought a bottle of Coca-cola with my name with out hesitation at the first sight I saw it. Apparently, “Share a Coke” is a thoughtful and therefore successful strategy for Coca company. No people would keep itself from getting a cola which printed its own name. The company fully get the mind of customer and apply to the operation. Moreover, some regions even introduce the service of special custom-order, which is pretty popular among teenager. As thus, Coca-cola is not just a can of sodas, but also a symbol that represents buyer’s identity and mind. Therefore, it has no longer that much connection with the words like “obesity” and “unhealthy” but a good for enjoyment.

While, the immediate success would not guarantee Coca’s longterm overwhelming. After all, cola induces obesity and many customer would prefer juice or energy beverage rather than sodas. People may be willing to buy one or two cola with their names but no more ever. After the enthusiasm of “Share a Coke”, most customers would return to their original preference. Thus, Coca has to always come up with new ideas to prompt people grab its product from the market.

Could online-shopping make it for long time?

Online-shopping, undoubtedly, has become a overwhelming shopping method among young people. As Dina Kasiri said, retailers are feeling threatened that the great popularity of online markets. And though online shopping is does convenient and lower-price, the whole society may face the problem of unemployment due to the surplus of online shopping. However, as for as I concern, online-shopping would not keep attractive for long time.That’t because it is convenient though, it’s quality of product and service is hard to guarantee and the procedure after sale does bother people. And with the online-shopping becomes more and more prevailing, the seller would be more and more sluggish since buyer have generate a sense of dependence on the online-shopping. Thus the outcome may be more and more dissatisfactory. For long term, some customer would begin to quit the online market and go back to physical stores.

While, at the same time, the tricky and evil means of lawbreakers would also become more and more practical so that the safety of online shopping and money transaction is harder and harder to guarantee. Therefore, there would be a time that push online shopping to decline.

Is social responsibility all about welfare

People now have a more and more environmentally friendly conscious. And they are willing to spend time and effort to protect the environment in the ways they could. So as the companies. And the news exactly reflects this phenomenon, that is, the wills of the citizens and the strategy of LEGO go together and combat with Shell, who is the long term partnership of LEGO and keep laying a negative influence on climate by melting the ice on Arctic.
While, in the other side, turning out such a critical decision from LEGO, that is, stop cooperating with a partnership that has worked together for 40 years, is somehow miserable. LEGO must have benefited from Shell since they have got along well for so many years. Only because the strategy of Shell that melting the Arctic is running in the opposite direction with LEGO, and there is massive protest and intervene from the masses, LEGO has to quit Shell. In my point of view, LEGO is forced to do this since it carries social responsibility. And what it decides actually harms its interest as well because it lose a good and consistent partnership which leads it to seek a new one and adapt to the new one again, though keep cooperating with Shell would not guarantee its profit. What I want to say is that sometimes social responsibility would leave negative effect on the company.

Entertainment V.S. Work

C'est la vie

As Jiang Wei said, it’s a good way to combine entertainment with work by making a office like this. And she also mentioned that this kind of office may take lots of money and effort which would be not popular among the employee who just want for high salary rather than relaxation, so that it may be a little bit hard for company to achieve it. While, I partly disagree with what she said. Though building such a office, in some degree, is at a huge cost of employees’ salary, workers may be largely motivated by these working and relaxation style and therefore have a better mind to deal with the work. Moreover, with a more comfortable working atmosphere, employees may be more willing and passionate to fight. Therefore, the output may be greater than ever.
While, given such a relaxing environment for working, workers would inevitably slack off the work and therefore the efficiency may be reduced. The workers with weaker will would tend to slow down their pace of working and long for the relaxation time after day time. It’s definitely a negative side of building an office like this.
Most importantly, this kind of office may be suitable for some kinds of apartment in a company but not all. Divisions like accounting and guard since the employees there should always keep the preciseness and calmness, so the relaxation should be kept away to the greatest extent.

Safety V.S. Convenience

External blog: http://www.teslamotors.com/blog

From this passage, I can see that tesla have a really advanced presell system. It provides a convenient way for customers to order the cars simply online. And the car would be delivered to an appropriate spot that is suitable for client to pick up. This selling stream is definitely satisfied by customer since it reduces much effort that the customers have to deal with during the transaction.
However, there is unavoidable risk during the deal as far as I concern.The internet technology is so booming today that some lawbreaker may use this advanced technology to commit a crime. During the transaction in the internet, there remains pretty bugs that may lead people to the wrong page and that may be a trap of getting the personal information. Customer may run at a loss if they get into the trap. Let alone the deposit for a car is large so the bad people would target more on it.
To sum up, the shortcut of booking a car is convenient by using the Internet, but at the same time Tesla is supposed to strengthen its safety system to ensure the interest of the customers.

Reflection on Indian Act

The article indicates that how the India Act influenced aboriginal people’s life century before.

To control the cultural and quantitative power of first nations people, Canada government set up this Indian Act. With some impenetrable rules such as earning a university degree would automatically lose their Indian status, the harsher the rule is, the weaker inner confidence the government holds. Only when it faces the situation that threatens itself, would it makes the unyielding violent act to the aboriginal people. While, as far as I concern, to strengthen a country’s unification and solidarity, the government shouldn’t just implement compulsory law which restrict the right of its people, but to develop its economy and science well enough to convince and guard its people. If a state is really safe and attractive to live in, people would never reject to work well and live well in this place. So as the specific company. If the company itself is enough overwhelming, it would never have to afraid of the losing of customers or threat of rivals.

Back to the Indian Act, it is not without its feasibility. Since there is always some people who have a high ambition and never satisfy with what they have owned. They want more so what they tend to do might threaten country’s stability, let alone the aboriginal. So Indian Act can exactly limit these people’s ambition and guarantee the safety and equity of the rest of people.

Featherdale’s dilemma

The news analyze the input and output of the Featherdale Wildlife Park. It is much costly to maintain a zoo than I ever think. I really appreciate the words Mr Sinclair-Smith says:”Running a zoo is not all about profit. This is a clearly a business that must reconcile the welfare demands of the animals with the need to make money.” Featherdale dose a great work in balancing spending huge cost in taking off salary and taking care of animals and charging for earning money.

While, I don’t totally agree with the ways that Featherdale attracts visitors other than making the environment of the zoo nice. That is, allowing visitors to hug or even feed the animals. Since no one can guarantee that the animals are exactly friendly to people or the food carried by people is suitable to the specific animals. So it may be many uncertain factors that lead to chaos between visitors to animals. Moreover, visitors’ anticipation to be close to the pretty animals may somewhat disturb the normal work and rest of the animals, which affects animals’ health in some degree.

It’s really hard for Featherdale to figure out a most balanced solution to attract tourism as well as the give the optimal life to the animals. But it’s significant to achieve since that exactly reflect the essence of a zoo.

Brand really matters

As it is mentioned in the news, people around the world fight hard to buy the newest iPhone 6. Why the buyers are so crazy to purchase iPhone every time it release the new edition? I think the most critical reason is its outstanding brand reputation.

When Apple first put iPhone 1 into market in 2007, it didn’t succeed in making a hit in the mobile photo market. While, when it apply 3G into the new iPhone in 2009, with large amount of advertisement shown on TV screen, billboard and any place possible, it did burst into the mobile phone market. People who got tired of conventional phone began to try out iPhone—a totally new concept of cell phone. With its virtue is gradually recognized by customers, it become hot in market and countless people quit their original phone brand for iPhone. The releases of iPhone 3 to 8 are undoubtedly success. Apple changes the pattern of phone market—from contending to thriving. Moreover, not only iPhone has launched in people’s necessity list, iMac, iPod, iTouch also become the top choice in their own region. Every time there is new product of Apple, people would eager to buy it regardless how much it is.

Despite of its most reliable system ever and various functional software, the Apple, that is exactly, Apple this brand, has already locked in customers’ heart and has become the signal of vogue.

Advanced technology improves agriculture output

Agriculture is not just about sowing

The news basically indicates that facing the adverse climate, the famers in India develop some advanced testing machine to help them make better decision on their business. At the same time, government give off subsidy to famers in order to support them buying those machine.

Undoubtedly, agriculture is a indispensable part of all industry. And combining science and farming is a really favorable way to improve the total output. The inventors of GreenSeeker, Laser land leveling and Happy Seeders are exactly the famers themselves. They don’t just focus on their farming business, but also apply themselves to figure out the better way to reduce the wasted crops due to the bad weather involving advanced technology. On the other side, government realize the importance of applying technology into cultivation, so they actively input large money to manufacture the gadgets. The willingness to accept new farming method of famers and the initiative to provide subsidy of government complement each other.

Even though the advanced machines are expensive somewhat, they can really raise the efficiency and output. The revenue of applying these machine is much more than the cost. The famers make a wise decision and I believe that these kind of testing machine would soon cover more regions with climate problem.

Food shouldn’t be made for heavy but for healthy

A balanced diet

The news reports that the food industry is consistently producing fast food which makes people easier to become obesity.
In the level of society and healthiness, the best outcome that food company makes is a safer and nutritious environment. However, the current facts show that it cares more about the sales volume and the profit rather than the quality.
Food-serving industry, especially fast food, has a large amount of the customers who suffer from long-time work. These crowd are originally forced to be suburban so that they have limited time to take sports. At the same time, they would not spend time thinking which diet is the healthy and balanced one, so they just grasp the burger which seems obtaining great taste and large weight. This phenomena exactly corresponds an excuse that made by food industry——“We just giving people what they want.” Pursuing margin, these industries neglect the responsibility to make the food that is nutritious and then tasty.
Well, after all, food industry is not a primary school or a virtuous housewife that voluntarily offer the best. Its goal is always making profit. Matching the balance of health and profit is what it is supposed to do.