Time for “Share a Coke”

Have you ever seen the Coca-cola listed in the fridge with your name? Sure most of you are. I also bought a bottle of Coca-cola with my name with out hesitation at the first sight I saw it. Apparently, “Share a Coke” is a thoughtful and therefore successful strategy for Coca company. No people would keep itself from getting a cola which printed its own name. The company fully get the mind of customer and apply to the operation. Moreover, some regions even introduce the service of special custom-order, which is pretty popular among teenager. As thus, Coca-cola is not just a can of sodas, but also a symbol that represents buyer’s identity and mind. Therefore, it has no longer that much connection with the words like “obesity” and “unhealthy” but a good for enjoyment.

While, the immediate success would not guarantee Coca’s longterm overwhelming. After all, cola induces obesity and many customer would prefer juice or energy beverage rather than sodas. People may be willing to buy one or two cola with their names but no more ever. After the enthusiasm of “Share a Coke”, most customers would return to their original preference. Thus, Coca has to always come up with new ideas to prompt people grab its product from the market.

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