Food shouldn’t be made for heavy but for healthy

A balanced diet

The news reports that the food industry is consistently producing fast food which makes people easier to become obesity.
In the level of society and healthiness, the best outcome that food company makes is a safer and nutritious environment. However, the current facts show that it cares more about the sales volume and the profit rather than the quality.
Food-serving industry, especially fast food, has a large amount of the customers who suffer from long-time work. These crowd are originally forced to be suburban so that they have limited time to take sports. At the same time, they would not spend time thinking which diet is the healthy and balanced one, so they just grasp the burger which seems obtaining great taste and large weight. This phenomena exactly corresponds an excuse that made by food industry——“We just giving people what they want.” Pursuing margin, these industries neglect the responsibility to make the food that is nutritious and then tasty.
Well, after all, food industry is not a primary school or a virtuous housewife that voluntarily offer the best. Its goal is always making profit. Matching the balance of health and profit is what it is supposed to do.

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