Just let me decide already…



It makes complete sense to me when Ries and Trout indicated that being the first in the market, and simply letting customers know about your company and advertised product creates a position in their heads. Everyone is constantly being bombarded with advertisements about products, but to me, this doesn’t mean I will choose these highly advertised products over others that did not hard sell.

As this article revealed, many experiments have showed that just because customers were introduced to a first product, it doesn’t mean they are less likely to choose the second product when given the choice to. The fact that customers choose to continue searching for a different product demonstrates that the psychological idea of the self-perception theory.

I believe that this article didn’t necessary reveal advertising and marketing isn’t important, because it certainly is, as it allows potential customers to know about your products, and give them the extra option when they choose amongst the other competitors. As I learned in psychology class, people naturally need for control – the control of what to buy, instead of constantly influenced and forced what to purchase. Marketing plays with human psychology. Sometimes, the brand is not enough if your product does not satisfy the needs of customers. Other companies are more than willing to satisfy their needs or discover new ways to if your company can’t do so.

Read more about it here.


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