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Online Shopping

Online Shopping –

I found these two blog posts on PulsePress, written by my fellow commerce students, and felt the need to comment. Not only do I personally relate to the addictive obsession of online shopping, but also found that these posts directly linked back to the in-class discussion we had today with Professor Nagarajan.

Online shopping falls under a Direct Business Model. Many retail companies have adopted this mean of selling product due to its endless advantages. Customer relationships drastically increase without the hassle of middle men (such as retail stores). This method is beneficial for both consumer and producer. Consumers receive a personal, customizable experience without needing to leave the comfort of their own home and producers cut costs on rent (of stores) while being more efficient with their merchandise (days of inventory).

It wouldn’t surprise me if all stores convert to online selling in the near future. Like Kamilla said, it is important to keep a strong connection with your customers. It’s like online dating; gathering information and matching it to the best product. Constantly knowing what demand trends are, and will be, is what sets a strong company apart from others.




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