Monthly Archives: October 2014

Apple: A New iPad



Of course, Apple is at it again creating newer, innovative models, and this time it’s in a category that isn’t its strongest: the iPad. Many competitors have already produced similar, cheaper tablets such as the Windows Surface, that have been negatively affecting the profit of iPads for Apple. While, the company still holds a high and mighty crown above other stores, most of its revenue comes from iPhones. In order for the firm to not fully rely on the production of cell phones, they need to keep up with other advances to have a strong lead instead of simply focusing on one market.



Apple’s iPad –


Currently, Apple’s iPad isn’t anything special. It doesn’t differentiate significantly from all the other tablets out there. It’s touchscreen (they all are). It’s light and thin (they all are). And it’s got pretty cases (check out the nightmarket). There’s no one specific, amazing thing that sets it apart from another tablet. As Porter says, if you’re going to play the game, either perform different activities or perform the same activities differently. Apple is more than capable of being different with its iPhone, but not so much the iPad. The company is producing enough to play the game, but not enough to win. If they plan to hold the #1 spot for all technologies, they need to step up their game.