Tesla’s Contribution to Pollution

Is Tesla truly an environmentally friendly company? One would believe so considering their cars, being all electric, do not pollute our atmosphere. The company has set a high standard for itself as an Eco-friendly, fuel efficient automobile manufacturer. Having produced some of the first battery powered cars, one would assume that Tesla strongly believes in a pollution free world. However, despite successfully eliminating fuel usage in Tesla products, the company does its damage by producing EV batteries used in their vehicles.

Tesla, an all electric car company (source: teslachronicles.com)

Tesla, an all electric car company (source: http://teslachronicles.com/)

Is this considered unethical in the business world? Is it false advertising to portray themselves as an innovative and green company while they manufacture batteries that release up to 40,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each. Tesla’s consumer base is largely of made up of people who care about the environment and want to contribute to a greener world. But how can they do that knowing that another country, such as China, is affected by the greenhouse emissions released by the production of these EV batteries?

Tesla EV battery factories release large amounts of carbon dioxide in China (source: http://business.financialpost.com)

Tesla EV battery factories release large amounts of carbon dioxide in China (source: http://business.financialpost.com)

Tesla is not maintaining a sustainable environment and may very well end up as a declining business once the public catches on. If Tesla stresses a belief, such as a pollution free Earth, then they should stay true to it entirely, instead of just the surface of the company.

Links: http://business.financialpost.com/2014/03/14/how-tesla-motors-incs-electric-car-batteries-are-adding-to-chinas-pollution-woes/?__lsa=74a4-596a, http://seekingalpha.com/article/1907761-a-big-threat-that-tesla-investors-shouldnt-ignore

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