Eastlink Ends Roaming Fees Nationwide Amid Battle With Big Telcos

roaming fees canada

Though, I have only been in Canada for less than 3 months, it has become evident that the wireless market is controlled by the big three: Bell, Rogers and Telus. However, there appears to be a new challenger around that aims to be on par if not better than the big three.

Eastlink launched its wireless services in Prince Edward and Nova Scotia earlier this year. It has already distinguished it self from the rest by being the first cable Tv provider to allow its costumer to pick and choose channels rather than buy channel bundle.

It looks like it won’t be long till Rogers, Bell and Telus will need to be looking over their shoulder especially since the CRTC expressed their intention to tackle the inflated roaming rates the big three charge the smaller players to use their networks.

The big three currently have control of most of the market share and have an established costumer base, however Eastlink’s recent strides suggest that it is willing and able to rectify many of the issues Canadians have been calling out for as well as innovate new areas.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/11/15/eastlink-roaming-fees-_n_4283213.html?utm_hp_ref=canada-business

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