COMM101 Classmate Commentary 1: Best Buy & Future Shop Video Game Trade-in

My Comm 101 classmate Lu Lucien recently discussed Best Buy and Furture shop’s trading deal which encourages people to trade in any current-gen game in exchange of 3 new current-gen games. Lucien’s interpretation was that the shops are looking to get rid of their inventory in preparation for the imminent arrival of the next-gen console.

This doesn’t make sense because most of the games being purchased right now such as GTA IV, Call of Duty Ghosts and Fifa 14 are doing extremely well and selling out. As a result, there isn’t any incentive for the shops to give them away for free when the demand for these products are still high.

I believe the reason for this deal is because there is a demand from collectors for current-gen games since the launch next-gen consoles will make the current-gen games very hard to acquire in the future. As a result, i believe that the shops are hoping to get back as many of the ‘classic’ current-gen games due to its high demand from collectors.


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