COMM101 Classmate Commentary 2- Superpedestrian may change metropolitan cycling

Christian Noel commented on ‘Superpedestrian’, which is a company that aims to change the way we think of cycling. The aim is to introduce an a very small engine which will sense when the cyclist is struggling and kick in to help the cyclist. Christian believes this is a good idea but i think otherwise.

One of the main reasons cycling is highly looked upon is because of the health benefits it provides for the cyclist. By automating the bicycle, the concept of getting a workout on your way to work or school is completely eliminated. With the current rise in obesity and the health problems that follow, eliminating one of the few and most convenient forms of exercise is not a very good idea for the good of general human health. The introduction of an engine will also lead to an increase in the price of bicycles and also lead to more noise. As a result, I think by introducing an engine to a bicycle, the whole concept of owning a bicycle wouldn’t make sense any more. If people want a motor, they can get a motor cycle!

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