Kentucky: Change agent, class clown or criminal? Former U of L dean Robert Felner accused of throwing spitballs and belittling colleagues, not to mention mishandling federal grants

by E Wayne Ross on September 3, 2008

LEO Weekly: Change agent, class clown or criminal?

The University of Louisville posted a nationwide job search in 2003, looking to find a new dean to oversee the College of Education and Human Development. The man they found for the job: Robert Felner.

Given Felner would eventually become the subject of dozens of grievances during his tenure at Louisville — not to mention the target of a federal investigation — a few requirements listed in the job ad now seem more than a little ironic: a record of successful interaction with faculty, staff and students; strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills, and the ability to work effectively with internal and external constituents; a high standard of professional integrity and a strong sense of professional ethics.