Upcoming World Water Week Event
Wednesday March 25 2-3pm
Potters without Borders Presentation by Burt Cohen (2:00-3:30, A376)
-demonstration of ceramic water filter technology offered by Canadian Non- Profit Organization
Wednesday March 25 2-3pm
Potters without Borders Presentation by Burt Cohen (2:00-3:30, A376)
-demonstration of ceramic water filter technology offered by Canadian Non- Profit Organization
For more information on the events happening in Kelowna and at UBCO for World Water Week please visit: http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/sustainability/getinvolved/events/2012WWD.html
Tuesday, March 20
8:30am - 5:00pm - World Water Day displays by Dr. J. Wagner's students in Arts Building Foyer
12:00 - 1:30 - Opening Ceremony in the UBC Okanagan campus Administration Courtyard
Opening Ceremonies Schedule - MC, Neetu Garcha, UBCSUO External Coordinator
* 11:55 - Water Drum Procession
* 12:00 - Welcome by UBC Okanagan campus Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dr. Doug Owram
* 12:05 - Chief Byron Louis, Okanagan Indian Band
* 12:15 - Okanagan Nation knowledge keeper, Trish Manuel
* 12:25 - Ethiopia Country Representative, Partners in the Horn of Africa, Yehalem Metiku
* 12:30 - Mayor of Lake Country, James Baker
* 12:40 - Mayor of Kelowna, Walter Gray
* 12:50 - Poetry Performances by Cameron Welch and Graham Campbell
* 1:00 - Okanagan Basin Water Board representatives, Nelson Jatel and Anna Warwick Sears
* 1:10 - Musical Performance, Hugo de Burgos and Friends
* 1:20 - UBCO Student Union, Spencer Robins
* 1:30 - Closing Remarks by John Wagner, Chair, UBC Okanagan World Water Day Coordinating Committee
11:30 - 2:00 - Farmers' Market in the UBC Okanagan campus Administration Courtyard
5:00 - 6:30 - OBWB Panel Discussion at Summerhill Pyramid Winery. Click HERE for more information.
Panel Members:
* Yehalem Metiku ~ Ethiopia FS
* Ted Van der Gulik ~ Okanagan Perspective on Water and Food Security
* John Wagner ~ Okanagan Water Issues
* Michael Nickels & Javine Bernakevitch ~ Permaculture
* Anna Warwick Sears ~ Okanagan Water Board Perspective
Wednesday, March 21
8:30am - 5:00pm - World Water Day displays by Dr. J. Wagner's students in Arts Building Foyer
12:30 - 2:00 - Guest Speaker: Yehalem Metiku in ART376. Topic: Sustainable Agriculture
and Grassroots Development in Ethiopia
2:30 - 5:00 - Poetry Slam organized by Creative Writing Course Union in ASC130
7:00 - 8:30 - Polar Regions presentation by GoBeyond Campus Climate Network program in LIB317
7:00 - 9:00 - Key Note Speaker: Yehalem Metiku in the Mary Irwin Theatre at Rotary Centre for the Arts -
To register for the Key Note speaker event please click HERE.
Thursday, March 22
8:30am - 5:00pm - World Water Day displays by Dr. J. Wagner's students in Arts Building Foyer
11:00 - 1:00 - UBCSUO BBQ in the Administration Courtyard, come and receive a FREE waterbottle
5:00 - 7:00 - The Okanagan Institute presents: Wild Blue Wonder: Unravelling the Water Quandary
Space is limited at the Bohemian Cafe,
Note: The above events are confirmed; however, exact times and venues for a few are yet to be determined. Please check back soon for final details.
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