I hope you liked that picture up there. Yes! Personally I hate it when more than 7 commercials in a commercial break, it just annoys me don’t you agree?
Today we are going to look at what does “unacceptable ads” mean to Canadians. In this article from The Globe and Mail, it showed the surveys about unacceptable advertising in Canada. For me, I am not a Canadian but I think the unacceptable advertising should be the unrealistic awesome looking large hamburgers/ food in general. Because these advertisements raise our expectations of the product, but in the end when we go to the restaurant and the food don’t match up with our expectations is just an heartbreaking moment for me.
As the results showed in the article, not surprisingly political parties and candidates ads are the least costumers comfortable with the truth and accuracy. Because most of the time these parties would cover up some facts in order to create a better image for themselves to out beat other candidates. Furthermore, the type of media that is used to advertise also affect how trustworthy is the advertisement. For example the ads that are on the newspaper can make you feel like its been “approved”, rather than ads that pop up on the internet which are just annoying.
Article from SUSAN KRASHINSKY – http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/marketing/the-kinds-of-ads-that-irk-canadians-most/article21527109/
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