The Race to ZERO

This blog post on Business Insider actually contains a lot of different information about the “online market”/ the Tech industry which we as consumers are taking advantage of while the competition is getting hotter inside. And I would like to focus on how Cloud computing has changed the value of computer storage. As a teenager in 2014, I can barely remember my father calling this hard drive and it cost to store images and files when I was younger. But after 10 years, we are downloading songs and taking so many selfies and throwing them all into cloud storage. It is unbelievable how fast the Tech industry changes and grow, and even more is how fast the price of computing storage drop.

As more and more large companies joining the industry, supply increases in a high rate which lead to a big drop in price. It has been said by the CEO of the cloud storage company, “We see a future where storage is free and infinite.” I am not a big fan of seeing the price of cloud storage going to zero, since if the price is zero what will the market do or what will the consumers do? The “race” to zero is benefiting us,the consumers, a whole lot, and on the other hand the suppliers have to come up with their own point of different from other companies. I am really looking forward to see what these Tech companies are willing to offer so that this war of racing to zero will not defeat the market. 

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