Article from Global news
This is the forth year that I am staying in Canada, I was in Alberta where I decided I did not need a cell phone plan for high school since I was just in a tiny little town and mostly because the cellphone plan was just too expensive. And now I moved on and came to Vancouver for university, which means all the expenditures are even higher, should I get a cell phone plan? For an international students, the cost for studying oversea already is a pain that you will never want to look into and once again, the cell phone plans are way too high in Canada in my opinion (comparing from Hong Kong). In the article, Ian Grant, the principle analyst at telecom consultancy Sea Board Group said,”The hearings are focused on lowering costs for Canadian wireless customers ultimately”.
Every time a costumer wanders out of the coverage zone of the providers , those small providers like Wind Mobile and Videotron in Quebe pay the big network owners — Rogers, Bell and Telus. The CRTC is trying to regulate and reduce those roaming rates substantially to assist the smaller carriers. This is a big decision no matter to the big 3 or the smaller providers or even us as the consumers, there will be a competition between the big 3s and the new carrier if the new carrier can manage to expand their capacity on their networks in order to be comparable with others. Hopefully this big decision will help calming down the price of cellphone plans.
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