A Wellness Story

          This is a wellness story of one of our enthusiastic participants. She has had a consultation with a personal trainer and has worked with them in order to develop a fitness and wellness plan to achieve her goals. Our participant is a working mother of four who has fallen off the fitness train and is looking to jump back on. In the past she was an active member in school sports and misses the days when she did not get winded going up the stairs. She has been able to stay busy raising her kids and working around the house, but is looking to start a more specific activity schedule.

  • Goals: The overall goal of her fitness journey is to become more physically healthy and improve quality of life. Her more detailed and time specific goal is to be able to run the 10 kilometer Vancouver Sun run with her daughter at the end of 6 months

          We put our participant through fitness training, and did so at the end of 6 months, in order to track her progress and build a plan to reach her attainable goals.

  • There are many ways to measure an individual’s body composition. We measured basic non-invasive fitness measurements, such as height weight waist circumference and BMI. As well as more specific measurements, such as musculoskeletal fitness, back health, and one repetition maximums when it comes to weight training. Body composition measurements are important because they are indicators of increased risk of disease as well as wellness progress.

Participant characteristics and baseline fitness assessment results

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Participant characteristics and 6 month fitness assessment results 

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6 Month Progress Report

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