Resistance Training

Musculoskeletal fitness is essential to not only athletes , but the general population as well. It is important to ensure illness prevention, deductions in fat mass, and for increaes in agility and functional independance. Endurance and strength are characteristics and functions of the body’s muscles that aid in everyday life activities. The assessment  of theses characteristic can be helpful in designing exercises for individuals who are ready to take their wellness to another level and improve musculoskeletal fitness.


A sample exercise program, which can be modified to individual abilities, has been provided below! This is a program that is split up into upper and lower body days followed by a rest day.

For example, if you choose to start on Monday at the gym, an upper body day should be completed followed by lower body on Tuesday and then a day of rest on Wednesday. This cycle, upper body/lower body/rest, continues by alternating exercise days during the weeks with progressive increases overtime.  Resistance training is enhanced when added in conjunction with cardiorespiratory and flexibility programs.


*click to see larger image*

*click to see larger image*


If you are ready to start your journey to a stronger life, start the sample exercise program. A description of each exercise along with an image is provided to help you get started. GOODLUCK!

Upper Body

Biceps – bicep curls

This exercise targets the bicep muscles and is a motion in which one stands with the feet shoulder length apart with the weights in front of the thighs. Bend at the elbow to curl the weight to shoulder level and then lower it back down to starting position

Triceps – triceps extension

Hold the weight with both hands extended above the shoulders, bend at the elbows and lower the dumbbell behind the head. Extend the arms back up to the starting position in a smooth motion.

Chest – barbell bench press

Lying flat on a bench with feet flat on the floor grasp the bar about shoulder width apart and start with the arms fully extended, lower the weight at a controlled speed directly above the chest and then return to starting position.

Back – bent over barbell row

Bend forward at the hips and grasp the bar with both hands about shoulder width apart. Legs should also be the same distance apart, bend the body so that  the back remains flat. Keeping the weight close to the body raise the weight towards the chest and then lower it back towards the floor.

Shoulders – dumbbell shoulder press

Sitting on a bench or in a standing position shoulder length apart, grasp the weight using an overhand grip and push the weight overhead until the arms are fully extended, lower the weights back to starting position

Lower Body

Hamstrings – straight leg deadlifts

Hold the weights with both hands and stand with feet hip-width apart, keeping the head without bringing the head into the chest. With knees slightly bent, bend at the hips while keeping the back long and straight and then slowly raise back up to standing position

Gluts and Quadriceps – lunges

Standing with dumbbell in each had and with feet shoulder width apart , in a stepping motion, descend until the front thigh is parallel to the floor, without hyper extending the knee. Push up and back to the starting position, when repeating the motion alternate leading leg each time.

Quadriceps – squats

Standing with our without dumbbells and with feet flat on the floor and shoulder width apart, slowly descend until the upper legs are parallel to the floor. The movement is described as backwards and down as if someone were sitting down into a chair, and then push back up into the starting position.

Calves- calf raise

Standing up straight with or without weights, and feet about hip-width apart, slowly raise heels off the floor towards tiptoe position wile supporting body weight on the balls of the feet. Pause for a second, and then slowly lower the body back to starting position.



Upper abdominal crunches

Lie with back and feet flat on the floor with knees bent at a 90 degree angle, slowly curl up the torso raising the head and shoulders and then lower back down to the floor in a smooth and controlled manner. This can be done with no weights or with added weights held near the chest.



Lower abdominal leg raise

Lie with back on the floor and palms down then lift with both legs together in a straight position. The goal of this exercise is to make it a smooth motion slowly raising the legs and keeping the knees in a locked position and the abdominals tense.

Obliques – Russian Twists

Sit on the floor with hips and knees bent 90 degrees, while keeping a straight back twist torso as far as you can in one direction, and then reverse to motion in the opposite direction. This can be done without weight or with added resistance of a medicine ball.

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