Cardiovascular Training

Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen and nutrients to working muscles, and how well those working muscles use oxygen to produce movement. In order to sustain exercise and activities that require endurance (extended period of time), cardiovascular fitness is essential.

Although a rest day may be necessary here and there, the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines insists that adults aged 18-64 should engage in a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-vigorous aerobic activity accumulated in 1 week in 10 minute bouts or more. The major health benefits associated with achieving a minimum of 150 accumulated minutes of cardiovascular exercise include reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, certain types of cancer, overweight and obesity.

Ideas for activities that are in the moderate-vigorous intesity category include leisurly cycling, brisk walking, bike riding, aqua-aerobics, and slow dancing.

Vigorous intensity activitiy ideas include jogging, running, aerobics, spin classes, step exercise, cross-country skiing.

It’s easy to meet the weekly requirements for cardiovascular activity, and with the wide variety of programs and classes we offer at this facility, we encourage you try them out and see what interests you to get active!

Below are sample cardiovascular activities as well as a sample training program for beginner fitness level in the later weeks of training. This is mearly an example, you can modify it by substituting the activities that you prefer!

Sample Cardiovascular Activities   

Jogging – a weight-bearing cardiovascular exercise that can be moderate to vigorous intensity, and can be used to train endurance or warm-up/cool-down activities and requires minimal skill. This exercise can be performed on a treadmill, indoor/outdoor track, or recreational (outdoors, not on a track).

Elliptical Trainer – a non-weight-bearing, low impact, variable resistance cardiovascular exercise that simulates walking, running, or stair climbing. It is an option that is useful in avoiding injuries of the lower limbs due to level of impact and also requires minimal skill.  



Stationary Bike – a non-weight-bearing, low impact cardiovascular exercise that can be light-vigorous intensity and requires minimal skill. The stationary bike is beneficial for beginners who can choose the intensity level without excessive muscle strain.



Water Aerobics – This type of aerobic activity can be challenging AND enjoyable! Water aerobics is very beneficial because it provides the health benefits of aerobic exercise  and, in addition, the body is supported by the water, which reduces the risk of injury by decreasing gravity on the joints and muscles, allowing for a greater range of motion. This activity is safe and fun for all ages, including the elderly who have trouble with balance and movement. You also do not need to be a strong swimmer to participate!    

Beginner Fitness Level Training Program 

Microcycle (1 week)

Fitness level Time Point Warm-up Workout Cool-Down
Beginner(Later weeks) Monday Slow, easy biking for 10 minutes followed by gentle, full body stretches Brisk walking on treadmill, moderate level of exertion, 20-25 minutes Slow, easy walking 5 minutes
Tuesday Light jog for 10 minutes followed by gentle, full body stretches Stationary bike, moderate level of exertion, 20-25 minutes Slow, easy biking 5 minutes
Wednesday Slow, easy biking for 10 minutes followed by gentle, full body stretches Stair stepper, moderate level of exertion, 20-25 minutes Slow, easy walking 5 minutes
Thursday(REST)   Take stairs at work, park farther away from grocery store, etc.  
Friday Light jog for 10 minutes followed by gentle, full body stretches Stationary bike, moderate level of exertion, 20-25 minutes Slow, easy biking 5 minutes
Saturday Slow, easy biking for 10 minutes followed by gentle, full body stretches Brisk walking on treadmill, moderate level of exertion, 20-25 minutes Slow, easy walking 5 minutes
Sunday(REST)   1 hour walk with the dog, hike, take kids to the park  



Mesocycle (1 month)

Week Intensity Time (min/wk) Frequency (times/wk) % Heart Rate Maximum
1 Very light 150 1-2 >50%
2 Light 210 2-3 50-60%
3 Moderate 400 4-5 60-70%
4 Hard 630 5-7 70-85%



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