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Archive for September, 2010

Chegg got VC

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Just read the journal from WSJ that raised $57 million in venture capital!  Chegg is  an online textbook-rental company in the U.S., it reminds me to write something about my new-born textbook business in Kamloops. Before I transfer to UBC, I tried to start a business on textbook exchange in Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops. […]

Why apple is so tasty?

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Let’s see what have Apple recently done. Opened three new stores in London, Paris and Shanghai. Apple now has 300 retail stores in 10 countries. Over 1,000,000 visitors some days. Have sold 275 million iPods. Have sold 51.15 million iPhone (in less than three year). iPod, iPhone, iTunes, iPad. You can name lot i-products made by apple also […]

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