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Why University Students Like Starbucks?

Cara gives her ideas about why university student likes Starbucks in her blog Why University Students Like Starbucks? I agree with her that college students just love the symbol of the Starbucks and feel self-satisfied when having their premium cup of Starbucks coffee.

Starbucks is not originally choose students as their target market. Since coffee has been regarded as an adult’s drink for a long time, and primarily  Starbucks’ target customers are relatively wealthy professionals that are willing to pay for a quality cup of coffee. But the company did its business so good, they are not just easily selling coffee beverage, instead, there is a high-quality lifestyle involved.

Starbucks seized the opportunity of student market and provide services for them. Why the university students love Starbucks? Because students are always in need of a location to socialize outside of school or an informal location to study, this lifestyle just fits in with Starbuck’s mission to provide a“third home” as it gives students with an ambient and cozy setting to socialize, along with Wi-Fi andpower plugs so that they can easily bring their laptop to study or work on assignments. Additionally, Starbucks offer students discounts and special promotions respond to students’ loyalty. We can see that Starbucks always good at finding new segments, and I just heard the rumor that Starbucks are even trying to open the new market targeting on 3-15 year-old kids. I think that might be very profitable in the future.

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