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Why apple is so tasty?

Let’s see what have Apple recently done.

  • Opened three new stores in LondonParis and Shanghai.
  • Apple now has 300 retail stores in 10 countries.
  • Over 1,000,000 visitors some days.
  • Have sold 275 million iPods.
  • Have sold 51.15 million iPhone (in less than three year).
  • iPod, iPhone, iTunes, iPad. You can name lot i-products made by apple also apple TV and Mac. Apple uses its brand to compete across several highly competitive markets, including the personal computer industry, the consumer electronics industry, on line entertainment store, the smart phone market and more recently e-book reader.

    Why apple is so successful?

    Apple has a market strategy that focuses on the emotions. The Apple brand is about lifestyle, imagination, liberty regained, innovation, passion, hopes, dreams and aspirations.

    The Apple brand is not just intimate with its customers, it’s loved.

    1 Response to Why apple is so tasty?

    1. Chang WEN, Cara

      Apple is one of the most vaulable brands I have ever seen. Every release of new Apple product can create a huge stir among the public~ It was so wierd that almost every boby around me suddenly changed their phone to iPhone4 several monthes ago. The only thing I can say about this phenomenon is Apple is such an asset with immeasurable brand equity!!!!

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