So the semester is practically over, which means this is the last post for this course, quite bittersweet in my opinion, on one hand I am kind of glad that the term is coming to an end and summer is around the corner, but on the other I am sad that I won’t be discovering new readings every week. Personally, I was quite a fan of the course, I thought there were a lot of interesting books that I probably wouldn’t have picked up if I were in a bookstore, but because of that I got some good surprises and found out things that I like and dislike in the novels that I read, so in RMST fashion I will be doing my own awards based on the books I read.
Favourite book: “The Book of Chameleons” by José Eduardo Agualusa
- This book was by far my favourite, from the way it was written to the plot and the characters, it really stood out to me.
Biggest surprise: “The Hour of the Star” by Clarice Lispector
- I mentioned in my post that I didn’t have great expectations for this book yet it delivered quite an interesting novel in less than 100 pages.
Book I want to re-read: “Combray” by Marcel Proust
- As the first book of the course it is the least fresh in my mind, and I was not a fan of the book, however I feel like after this course I’ve learned to look at books differently when reading them and I think if I were to give it another time I would enjoy it more.
Not what I expected: “Agostino” by Alberto Moravia
- It was the book that had me the most excited when I researched the books and for some reason I thought it would be a silly coming of age book about a little Italian boy in the 40’s, and although it kind of is, the book got a whole lot darker and deeper than I pictured it, still I enjoyed it.
In my introduction post I said I hoped to challenge myself and find new authors that I enjoyed and I am happy to report that I achieved that, It certainly felt like a challenge reading so many books, it had been a while since I had used a lot of my free time to read, even if there were just 10 minutes in between lectures, and I did in fact find new authors that I liked and will probably look for some of their other work, such as Moravia and Agualusa. Overall I found this course to be one of the most enjoyable ones I’ve had so far and I do believe I value different things when reading books, I also enjoyed reading other peoples perspectives on the same books and hearing everyone expand during the class.
And with that, this blog comes to and end, for the last discussion question, I am curious to hear if you have any awards to give to any of the books you’ve read throughout this term, favourite book? Most hated character? Underrated novel?
Ximena, I’m glad you enjoyed the course. I love your awards, in all the various categories! I sometimes think we should end this course by returning to the second half of Proust… I feel students would see that they have come so far that they would no longer be fazed by it.
Thanks for all your contributions, and have a great summer!
Hello! my awards would be:
best novel : my brilliant friend
worst character: Breton and quimet
most underrated novel : hour of the star
have a good end of semester and summer!
– Maya Berrached