Cardio Workouts

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Cardiovascular Training trains oxygen efficiency of the heart and lungs.  Efficient delivery and uptake of blood and respiration determines an person’s Aerobic Performance.  We use Zone Training to optimally divide workouts into different intensities based on your maximum heart rate (HRmax).
See below for a break down of the training zones we prescribe to our client’s:


Zone 1: In Zones 1 no warm-up is necessary, as the exercise in this zone is already of low-intensity and is a warm up in itself. Static Stretches should be done prior to exercise.

Zones 2/3/4: These Zones require a a steady warm-up where the client’s heart rate is elevated to a moderate level; and the muscles that will be utilized are properly stretched to ensure muscle cramps and injuries do not ensue.

During these Zones the client should first start with stretching the muscles that will be utilized during that day’s workout. After which, they should proceed to a treadmill or bike and walk/cycle at a slow to moderate pace for 5 minutes minutes. If treadmill or bike are unavailable the following can be used as substitutes. Each substitute should be done for 60 seconds:

Jumping Jacks:

On-Spot Butt Kicks:

Non-stop Knee Ups:

Skip Ropes:

Zone 5: This is what you have been working towards — the final competition! Warm-Up Exercises in this Zone should be done cautiously as excessive muscle elongation and an elevated heart rate for more than an appropriate amount of time will only hinder performance come game-time. 

A light warm-up should be done 1-1.5 hours prior to competition. First starting off with Dynamic Stretches and then proceeding to increase heart rate to a moderate level — this can be achieved by a light jog on a treadmill/bike. If these equipments are unavailable the warm-up exercises mentioned above should be done.

Zone 1: Static Stretches is an appropriate Cool Down, no active recovery is necessary at this level.
Zones 2/3/4/5: An Active Recovery should be done. Pending on the intensity of the workout, we prescribe 5-10 minutes at a moderate intensity on a Treadmill or Bike followed by 5 minutes of stretching muscles that were utilized.

Stretches for both Static and Dynamic can be found here.

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