List 3

1. Acer pensylvanicum

Common name: moosewood/snakebark maple

Family name: Sapindaceae

Useful cultivars and selections : ‘Erythrocladum’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-7

Mature height and spread:

Height: 15.00 to 25.00 feet

Spread: 12.00 to 20.00 feet

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: Green-yellow

Flower/cone/fruit description(s) :

Fruit: Samara. The seeds are about 27 mm (1.08 inches) long and 11 mm (0.44 inch) broad

Flower: Small yellow flowers

Limitations : No serious insect or disease problems. Leaves may scorch in full sun locations. Potential disease problems include verticillium wilt, leaf spots, tar spot, canker and root rots. Potential insect problems include aphids, scale, borers and caterpillars. Mites may appear.

Suitable uses :

don’t plant them in the sun

Quick ID description: 1 leaves like duck feet. 2. 60 degree semara 3. green bark



  • Sources of information

2. Actinidia arguta

Common name: hardy kiwi

Family name: Actinidiaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘lssai’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8

Mature height and spread: 25-30ft

Form: de. cl.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: average, medium moistrue, well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Flower: scented greenish-white flowers (to 3/4″ long) bloom in June

Fruit:edible grape-sized smooth-skinned fruits (to 1 1/4″ long) mature in September-October.


Limitations: No serious disease or insect problems.

Suitable uses: climber, edible fruit

Quick ID description: 1. not fuzzy. 2. fruit in clusters, diameter=1.5cm 3. sharp leaf, toothed



3. Actinidia deliciosa

Common name: fussy kiwi

Family name: Actinidiaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: var. chlorocarpa

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-9

Mature height and spread: 9m

Form: de. cl.

Water use: Medium

Soil requirements: moist, well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Flower: The flowers are fragrant, dioecious or unisexual

Fruit: oblong fuzzy fruits


Limitations : Hairs of fruits can cause throat irritation

Suitable uses: climber, edible fruits

Quick ID description: fussy everything; big leaves


4.Campsis x tagliabuana ‘Mme. Galen’

Common name: trumpet creeper

Family name: Bignoniaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Crimson Trumpet’ , ‘Coccinea’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4

Mature height and spread: 4-8m

Form: de. cl.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): Reddish-orange tubular flowers, bloom in late summer or early autumn

Limitations: Aphids may attack the flowers; flowers are very attractive to bees, butterflies and birds

Suitable uses: ornamental climber, planted on shelves, wall of the buildings…

Quick ID description: 1. opposite compound leaf 2. serrated leaflets 5-7 pairs 3. leaf back fussy


5. Cornus alternifolia

Common name: pagoda dogwood

Family name: Cornaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Argentea’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-7

Mature height and spread: 15-25 feet

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: acidic, moisture

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: redish purple

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Small, fragrant, yellowish-white flowers bloom in flattened cymes (each to 2 1/2″ across)

bluish-black fruits (drupes) on red stalks.

Fruits mature in late summer. white in clusters


Susceptible to leaf spot, twig and leaf blights, root rot and canker. Scale, leaf miner and borers are occasional insect pests.

Suitable uses: specimen, shrub borders

Quick ID description: 1. alternate 2. red petiole 3. white dots and white rings on the branches



6. Cornus florida

Common name: flowering dogwood

Family name: Cornaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: cv. ‘Cherokee Chief’  cv. ‘Pendula’   cv. ‘White Cloud’   f. rubra

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9

Mature height and spread: 15.00 to 30.00 feet /15.00 to 30.00 feet

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: acidic

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: dark red purple

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Flower: White (bracts)

Fruit: Showy, red, about five in a group, diameter=1-2cm

Limitations: looks unhealthy

Suitable uses: specimen,shrub borders, woodland gardens, bird gardens

Quick ID description: end of the branches has white wax, leaves go down.


7. Cornus mas

Common name:  Cornelian cherry

Family name: Cornaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8

Mature height and spread: height: 5-12m/ spread: 10m

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: acidic

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: red

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): fruits in pairs in the bottomn of the leaves, 1-2cm when ripe

Limitations: No serious insect or disease problems.

Suitable uses: medium

Quick ID description: 1. red fruits 1-2 cm 2. red fall colour 3. horizontal branches


8. Euonymus europaeus

Common name: European spindle tree

Family name: Celastraceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Red Cascade’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-7

Mature height and spread: 7-10m/5-7m

Form: de. tr.

Water use:  medium

Soil requirements: well-drained, acidic

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: red and green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): pink/orange fruits

Limitations: poisonious seed

Suitable uses: Foundations, shrub borders, screen or hedge. Woodland gardens. Specimen/accent.

Quick ID description: 1. buds not very big 2. fruit is pink not red


6. Ficus carica

Common name: fig

Family name: Moraceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Croisic’ , ‘Desert king’,’Osborn’s Prolific’ ‘Brown Turkey’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 5m

Form: de. sh./tr.

Water use: medium

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): edible fruits diameter=4-5cm

Limitations:No serious insect or disease problems. Watch for root knot nematodes, scale, aphids, mealybugs and spider mites. Leaf spots, rust and blight may occur. Fruit can become a mess if not promptly harvested.

Suitable uses:Ornamental or fruit tree. In Missouri, plants may be grown in sheltered locations outdoors with root mulch or in containers that are overwintered indoors.

Quick ID description: Large, palmate, hairy, 3-5 lobed leaves (to 10” long) are rough dark green above and smooth light green beneath.


10. Hydrangea macrophylla

Common name: bigleaf hydrangea

Family name: Hydrangeaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:  a lot

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-9

Mature height and spread: 2m

Form: de. sh.

Water use: drought-tolerant

Soil requirements: acidic

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Showy Flowers

(The color is affected by soil pH)

Fruit shape: oval

Limitations: Gray mold, slugs, powdery mildew, rust, ringspot virus, leaf spots.

Suitable uses:

Uses  Beds and Borders,

Container  Cut Flower, Dried Flower

Style  Cottage Garden

Quick ID description: flower, leaf shape


11. Hydrangea paniculata

Common name: panicle hydrangea

Family name: Hydrangeaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Brussels Lace’, ‘Floribunda’, ‘Greenspire’, ‘Melody’, ‘Pee Wee’, ‘Tardiva’, ‘Unique’, ‘Grandiflora’, ‘Limeligh’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8

Mature height and spread: 1m


Water use: drought-tolerant

Soil requirements: acidic soil

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): flower white, turn pink then turn to brown

Limitations: bud blight, bacterial wilt, leaf spot, rust and mildew. Aphids and mites

Suitable uses: flower border

Quick ID description: flowers. leaves are ovate, smaller than H. macrophylla


12. Hydrangea quercifolia

Common nam: oakleaf hydrangea

Family name: Hydrangeaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

‘Snow Queen’ ‘Snow Flake”Harmony’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9

Mature height and spread: 1m

Form: de. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: need moisture if grow in full sun

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): similar to H. paniculata

Limitations: need water if grown in full sun

Suitable uses: flower border, courtyard

Quick ID description: lobed leaf


13. Kalmia latifolia

Common name: mountain laurel

Family name: Ericaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Olympic Fire’, ‘Freckles’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9

Mature height and spread: 2m

Form: e. sh.

Water use: tolerate sun with moisture

Soil requirements:  need very good drainage

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): flower: white/pink/rose, fruit: dry, in clusters, split over

Limitations: need good drainage, leaf spot, blights

Suitable uses:groups or massing in shrub borders, cottage gardens, woodland areas

Quick ID description: 1.vein can not be seen 2. fine tooth


14. Magnolia grandiflora

Common name: sorthern magnolia

Family name: Magnoliaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Edith Bogue’,  ‘Little Gem’, ‘Victoria’,  ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ 

USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-9

Mature height and spread: 60-80 ft/ 30-50 ft

Form: e. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-grained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: dark green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): big white flower/ fussy fruit

Limitations: 1. leaf colour too dark.  2. branches easy to broke in snow

Suitable uses: flowering tree

Quick ID description: 1. thick leathery leaf 2. dense branching dark green colour


15. Nyssa sylvatica

Common name: black gum

Family name: Cornaceae/ Nyssaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9

Mature height and spread: 30-50ft/ 20-30ft

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium to wet

Soil requirements: medium to wet soils in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist, acidic soils.

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: scarlet

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Fruit: black-blue, ovoid stone fruit, about 10 mm long with a thin, oily

Limitations: leaf spots, canker, rust, leaf miner and scale.

Suitable uses: Shade Tree, Street Tree, Rain Garden

Quick ID description: 1. black branches 2. leaves smaller/shorter than N. sinensis


16. Oxydendrum arboreum

Common name: sourwood

Family name: Ericaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Chameleon’ and ‘Mt. Charm’.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 10-20m/5-10m

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: red

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

White flowers, bell shaped, 6-9mm long with 15-25cm panicles in late summer;

Small woody five-valved capsule fruit

Limitations: Leaf spot and twig blight

Suitable uses: ornamental tree for fall colour and flower

Quick ID description: 1. flower 2. red petiole


17. Quercus garryana (N)

Common name: garry oak

Family name: Fagaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-9

Mature height and spread: 10m

Form: de. tr.

Water use: little

Soil requirements: no

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: dark green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Fruit: Solitary or paired acorns about 1 inch long, light brown, cap is shallow and bowl-like, covering about 1/3 of the nut.

Limitations: too dark green

Suitable uses: street tree

Quick ID description

Enlish oak: shallow leaf lobing, short petioles, long stalks

Garry oak: deep lobing (halfway to midrib), long petiole (1-2 cm), stalkless


18. Rhus typhina

Common name: staghorn sumac

Family name: Anacardiaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: cv. ‘Dissecta’ f. laciniata

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8

Mature height and spread: 15-25 ft

Form: de. sh./tr.

Water use: dry to medium

Soil requirements: dry

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate compound leaf. leaflets are 8-9 pairs

Fall colour: red

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):


  • dioecious
  • borne in large hairy panicles
  • male flower head larger than female
  • blooms in June


  • crimson, pyramidal panicle of seeds
  • matures in late August
  • persists

Limitations: May spread aggressively by root suckers.

Suitable uses: dry areas, slopes, wood border or shrub border

Quick ID description: 1. red fruit 2. compound leaves 40-50 cm, leaflets 3*12cm, 9-10 pairs


19. Rosa rubrifolia

Common name: redleaf rose

Family name: Rosaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Carmenetta’

Mature height and spread: 2m-3m

Form: de. sh.

Water use: medium

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alterneate

Fall colour:blue- green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): fruit: red, 1.5cm

Limitations: black spot, rust

Suitable uses: flower shrub, can tolerant shade

Quick ID description: 1. leaf 10cm 2. 5-7 leaflets 3. not very throny


20. Spiraea japonica

Common name: Japanese spirea

Family name: Rosaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Candlelight’, ‘Dart’s Red’, ‘Golden Princess’, ‘Magic Carpet’, ‘Nana’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8

Mature height and spread: 1m

Form: de. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: rich

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: brown

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Clusters of rosy-pink flowers( flat topped) at the tips of the branches.

Limitations: adaptable

Suitable uses:borders, ground cover

Quick ID description: 1. dry flower 2. red/black branches 3. toothed leaf



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