List 4

1. Arbutus menziesii (N)

Common name: arbutus

Family name: Ericaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 5-12m/3-8m

Form: ev. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained, moist. can not tolerant compact, dry soil

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): clusters. fruits 1-1.5cm, red

Limitations: can not tolerate compact, extra water,  drought or shade

Suitable uses: ornamental for the flowers and fruits

Quick ID description: serrated or not, 5*12cm leaves


2. Clematis montana

Common name: clematis

Family name: Ranunculaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: Mayleen‘ 

‘Wilsonii’ ‘Elizabeth’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 7

Mature height and spread:

Height: 25.00 to 40.00 feet
Spread: 25.00 to 40.00 feet
Form:de. cl.
Water use: medium
Soil requirements:moist but well-drained


Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): white flower

Limitations: Fungus disease, causing foliage to wilt, can be a problem. Plant crown 2-3″ deep. Prune to restrict growth right after blooming.

Suitable uses:

This clematis can be trained to climb walls, trellises, fences, arbors, porches or posts. Can also be planted to sprawl over and through large shrubs or over old tree stumps. Provides height and good architectural framework for small gardens. Can potentially grow up to 40′ unless kept smaller by pruning.

Quick ID description: compound leaf


Clematis montana

3. Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’


Common name: ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ dogwood

Family name: Cornaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-9

Mature height and spread: 4-8m/5m

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium to moist

Soil requirements: moist but well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: red

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): flower colour: white, 4-6 bracts

Limitations: In too much shade or areas without good air circulation foliage disease can be a problem.

Suitable uses: flower tree

Quick ID description: leaves 10*8 cm


4. Fagus sylvatica

Common name:  commom beech

Family name: Fagaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:1.’Cuprea’ 2.’Nigra’ 3.’Riversii’ 4.’Spaethiana’.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-7

Mature height and spread: 50-60ft/35-50ft

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: copper

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):

Flower: Male flowers are borne in dangling round clusters while the prickly female flowers are usually single.

Fruit: Fruit is a prickly husk containing 2 to 3 triangular nuts.

Limitations: Beech scale

Suitable uses: large space, shade tree

Quick ID description: 1. fruit is thee side nut


5. Fagus Sylvatica ‘Dawyck’

Common name:  Dawyck Beech

Family name: Fagaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 12m/4-6m

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): not opposite

Limitations: full sun

Suitable uses: street tree

Quick ID description: 1. zigzag middle vein & branches 2. thin leaf 3. spindle shape crown 4. smooth bark


6. Fraxinus ornus

Common name: flowering ash

Family name: Oleaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Meczek’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-6

Mature height and spread: 40-50 ft

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements:

  • prefers moist, deep, fertile soils for best growth
  • quite soil adaptable
  • soil pH is not critical
  • easily transplanted and established
  • tolerant of poorly-drained soils



Leaf arrangement/Foliage: Odd-pinnate compound leaves (5-8” long) have 5-9 leaflets. Leaflets (2-3” long) are ovate to oblong, toothed and dark green above.

Fall colour: yellow

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):


  • white flowers
  • blooms in spring
  • showy
  • fragrant
  • borne in 0.5′ long panicles


  • female plants produce samaras
  • large numbers of fruit can be produced
  • samaras are 1″ to 2″ long and narrow
  • some describe them as paddle-shaped
  • color changes from green to tan as they mature
  • persist
  • not ornamentally important

Limitations: pests

Suitable uses: flowering tree

Quick ID description: pinnately compound leaves, female plants with paddle-shaped samaras


7. Hamamelis×intermedia

Common name: hybrid witch-hazel

Family name: Hamamelidaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Jelena’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8

Mature height and spread: 3-5m

Form: de. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: medium moisture, well-drained soils

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: orange-red

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): flower: showy fragrant

Suitable uses: very tall flower shrub

Quick ID description: 1. vase shape 2. ascending branches 3. asymetrical leaf base


1. Hypericum calycinum

Common name: St. John’s wort

Family name: Hypericaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Brigadoon’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9

Mature height and spread: 0.4m/0.6m

Form: de. sh.

Water use: Medium

Soil requirements: tolerant to drainage and compact soil

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): yellow flower

Limitations: rust disease

Suitable uses: ground cover

Quick ID description: opposite long oval leaves, red branches, no petiole


9. Pachysandra terminalis

Common name: Japanese pachysandra

Family name: Buxaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Green Carpet’ ‘Variegata’‘Green Sheen’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9

Mature height and spread: 10cm

Form: ev. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements:  need well-drained, rich soil

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): Tiny white flowers in 1-2″ long, in early spring.

Limitations: can not grow in compact soil

Suitable uses: shade tolerant, ground cover

Quick ID description: 1. leaves serrated only on top 2. the older leaves bigger


10. Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Common name: Virginia creeper

Family name: Vitaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Monham’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-5

Mature height and spread: 30-50ft

Form: de. cl.

Water use: little

Soil requirements: no

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: red/orange

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): black-bluish berries diameter=0.7cm

Limitations: difficult to remove

Suitable uses: wall cover

Quick ID description: 5 palmate compound leaves


11. Phyllostachys nigra

Common name: black bamboo

Family name: Poaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-7

Mature height and spread: 5-8m

Form: ev. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): not obvious

Limitations: may spread

Suitable uses: ornamental plants, high shrub

Quick ID description: black stem


12. Platanus×hispanica

Common name: London plane

Family name: Platanceae

Mature height and spread: 12m/ 8m


Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: brown

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): rounded, fuzzy looking fruits

Limitations: fruit may cause allergy

Suitable uses: street tree, shade tree

Quick ID description: 1. maple-like leaf  2. bark 3. rounded fruits



13. Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’

Common name: cherry laurel ‘Otto Luyken’

Family name: Rosaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-9

Mature height and spread: 0.5-1m/1-1.5m

Form: ev. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): black fruits 0.8cm, white flowers

Limitations: laurel leaf disease

Suitable uses: hedge

Quick ID description: darker pointy leaves, more upright leaves and branches


14. Prunus laurocerasus ‘Zabeliana’

Common name: Zabel’s cherry laurel

Family name: Rosaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9

Mature height and spread: 5m


Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): white flowers, black or blue drupes

Limitations: must be pruned properly

Suitable uses: hedge

Quick ID description: horizontal branches


15. Prunus×yedoensis

Common name: yoshino cherry

Family name: Rosaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Akebono”Berry”Ivensii”Shidare Yoshino”Snow Fountains’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-6

Mature height and spread: 30-40ft

Form: de. tr.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: reddish green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): light pink flowers

Limitations: bumps in the trunk

Suitable uses: flowering tree, streen tree.  disease resistant

Quick ID description: 1. serrated leaf margin 2. red petiole 3.


16. Pseudosasa japonica

Common name: arrow bamboo

Family name: Poaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone:  6-9

Mature height and spread: 3m

Form: ev. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Limitations: very loud, running

Suitable uses: hedge, ornamental grass

Quick ID description: big leaves (10cm)


17. Rosa ‘Meidomonac’

Common name: shrub rose

Family name: Rosaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 0.5-1m

Form: de. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: rich soil

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): soft pink flower 4cm

Limitations: can not be grown in shade or drought

Suitable uses: flower borders

Quick ID description: compound leaf: 6*6cm to 12*12 cm, leaflets: 2*4cm to 4*6cm, orange fruit 1cm


19. Weigela florida

Common name: weigela

Family name: Caprifoliaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:


Dozens of cultivars are known, plus there has been a recent resurgence in the number of new introductions. The descriptions presented here attempt to summarize the most common forms.

‘Alexandra’ (Wine and Roses®, probably the same as ‘Victoria’) – Many amateur horticulturists have been taken by this new form, which offers rose-red blooms amidst a backdrop of rich, glossy burgundy leaves. It appears to be superior to other purple-foliage selections. It grows 4′-5′ tall. ‘Elvera’ (Midnight Wine™) is a brand new plant that is basically a dwarf form of ‘Alexandra’. It will mature under 3′ tall, making it useful in small gardens.

‘Brigela’ (French Lace™) – This is a new variegated form that is quickly entering the market. The green leaves are edged with a wide margin of lime green that contrasts well with the red flowers.

‘Bristol Ruby’ – This is an older cultivar very popular for its deep red flowers. It is upright-growing to 8′ tall.

‘Canary’ – A form of uncertain parentage, this new selection is notable for its light yellow blooms that fade to pink or are mixed with pink flowers on the same plant.

‘Candida’ – This is one of the more popular white-flowered forms. The blooms are set against bright green leaves on an 8′ spreading plant. ‘Bristol Snowflake’ is similar, but the blooms are slightly tinged pink and the plant is more vigorous.

‘Carnaval’ (also known as ‘Courtalor’) – One of the more unique forms available, this 4′ tall plant offers profuse quantities of red, white and pink blooms on the same plant.

‘Java Red’ (perhaps the same as ‘Foliis Purpureis’) – An old, compact form that only reaches 4′ tall and slightly wider, this plant bears deep pink blooms that open from reddish buds. The deep green foliage is tinged with purple-red.

‘Minuet’ – One of the smallest forms available, this plant only reaches 30″ tall with profuse production of red-purple flowers. The leaves also have a reddish tinge. It has shown good cold hardiness.

‘Pink Delight’ and ‘Pink Princess’ – These are two improved, popular pink-flowering forms with blooms that do not fade. They are hardy and more reduced in size, to 6′ tall and wide. ‘Sunny Princess’ is a variegated selection of ‘Pink Princess’ with a thin yellow margin on the foliage.

‘Polka’ – Considered by many authorities to be the best pink-flowered form, this Canadian development is reportedly hardy to zone 3. It is covered in late spring by deep pink blooms that adorn the arching branches to 4′ tall and wider.

‘Red Prince’ Hardy to USDA zone 4, this plant produces strong red blooms on an upright, 6′ plant. It often reblooms later in the season.

‘Rumba’ – Another form with novel leaf color, this 3′ compact selection offers yellow-green edged in purple. The flowers are red with a yellowish throat and are produced over an extended period. The plant has shown good hardiness.

‘Rubidor’ (probably the same as ‘Rubigold’) – Very popular for the contrast between flowers and foliage, this selection offers gold leaves and red blooms on a 5′-7′ plant. The color of the leaves may fade somewhat in warm summer areas.

‘Variegata’ – This is a very popular selection that offers interest all season with leaves that are edged with a creamy white margin. The blooms are rose-pink and the plant is more compact and mounded, to 6′ tall. ‘Variegata Nana’ is similar but smaller growing, perhaps to 3′ or 4′ tall.

‘White Knight’ – A popular white-flowered plant, this selection is also notable for its densely-branched, compact habit to 6′ tall and wide. It may rebloom sporadically through the summer.

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8

Mature height and spread: 1m

Form: de. sh.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained, full sun

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): pink flowers on the top of the branches

Suitable uses: flower shrub

Quick ID description: serrated margin, opposite leaves


Weigela florida

20. Wisteria sinensis

Common name: Chinese wisteria

Family name: Fabaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘prolific’ ‘alba’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8

Mature height and spread: 3-5m

Form: de. cl.

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: green

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): flowers: purple, clusters  fruit: legume 20cm

Suitable uses: flowering climber

Quick ID description: alternate compound leaves. 9-11 leaflets


21. Physocarpus opulifolius

Common name: ninebark

Family name: Rosaceae

Useful cultivars and selections: var. intermedius, ‘Dart’s Gold”Monlo”Snowfall’

USDA Hardiness Zone: 2

Mature height and spread: 3-5m


Water use: dry to medium

Soil requirements: easy to grow

Leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate

Fall colour: yellow/bronze/purple

Flower/cone/fruit description(s):


  • whitish pink flowers
  • less then 0.5″ in diameter
  • blooms may to June
  • flowers borne in 1″ to 2″ cymes


  • grouping of 3 to 5 follicles
  • glabrous
  • reddish
  • ripens in September to October


need to be pruned properly

Suitable uses: shrub border

Quick ID description: 3 lobed leaves


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