Evaluation of Sources for List 7&8

These are the plants I know:


The website is probably done by UBC student. The lists are in accordance with the list we learn. I find it especiallt useful because it has all the information needed for the blog. Howerver, photos are a little bit limited.

The most interesting thing is search by types/ leaf arrangement/ zone. I think it’ll be useful for the final exam.

Bean’s trees and shrubs:


can search plants in three ways:“Search type select Main names to search for Bean’s and modern names, Include synonyms to search for Bean’s synonyms as well, and Common names to search common names only”

Leon Gray, Flowering plants

The book only frocuses on common flowering plants, so only some of the plants we learn are covered in the book.

Howerver, since it’s autumn now, a lot of important flowering plants are not blooming in this time of the year, this book helps me know what their flowers are like.

ordered in family name, easy to find plants. The pictures are clear and nice.


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