Evaluation of Sources for List 11-12

  Alna Mitchell, The Guide to Trees of Canada and North America

The book covers a lot pf plants we learn. For each category, like oaks, there are several common species introduced. The illustration in the book shows the bark, leaves and fruits of each species.

However, the book is written by common name, which makes it hard to find the plants by scientific name. (Although they are somehow arranged by family or species) There are a only a few lines of brief description for each plants.

Mirko Vidakovic, Conifers morphology and variation

Really helpful book to learn the morphology of conifers!

Because we can not only use terms in broad leaf plants such as alternate/opposite to decribe conifers, sometimes it’s very confusing to tell and describe the diference between conifers. The book tells me the morphology of conifers exiplicitly. Also, the book covers most conifers we learn.


The website has some of the plants we learn. The hardness, soil, sun requirements are shown. Also has clear photos.

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