List 7


1. Acer platanoides


  • Common name: Norway maple
  • Family name: Sapindaceae
  • Quick ID description:
    180 degree samaras, 15cm big leaf, the lobes has hair tip point, flat leaf base
  • Useful cultivars and selections: Acer platanoides Princeton Gold = ‘Prigo’ (PBR)
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Mature height and spread: 12m 8m
  • Form: Spreading / Branched
  • Water use: Well-drained, Moist but well-drained
  • Soil requirements: Chalk, Clay, Sand, Loam
  • Leaf arrangement/Foliage: Opposite
  • Fall color: Bright yellow, orange or brown
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s):  yellow flowers. 180 degree samaras.
  • Limitations: Out compete w/other trees. Bad reputation.
  • Suitable uses: Shade trees.

2 Acer platanoides ‘Crimsom King’

  • Common name: Norway maple
  • Family name: Sapindaceae
  • Quick ID description:  sharply pointed lobes, milk sap, red/dark purple-leaved
  • Useful cultivars and selections: “Crimson King’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  3 to 7
  • Mature height and spread: 30.00 to 40.00 / 20.00 to 40.00 feet
  • Form: tr. de.
  • Water use: Medium
  • Soil requirements: average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): Small yellow flowers. purple samaras (to 2” long)
  • Limitations:  Tolerant of a wide range of soils. Tolerant of heat and drought.
  • Fall colour:  purple
  • Suitable uses:  Shade tree.

3 Arbutus unedo

  • Common name: strawberry tree
  • Family name: Ericaceae
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  7 to 10
  • Mature height and spread: Height: 3 – 5m; Spread: 4 – 5m
  • Form: ev. tr.
  • Water use: Medium
  • Soil requirements: Well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement:  alternate
  • Flower: showy and white, 5 petals
  • Fruit: berry, red and orange, Showy, Edible, mealy and bland tasting
  • Limitations:  Full sun, Part sun/part shade, Sheltered
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses:  Attract birds, Herb, Mixed shrub border, Small garden/space, Winter interest, Woodland margin
  • Quick ID description:  Shrub large evergreen; leaves dark green, leathery, serrated, short red petioles ; flowers whitish-pink, urn-shape; fruit round, orange to red to scarlet, spiky; bark shaggy orange-red

3 Betula nigra ‘Cully’

  • Common name: river birch
  • Family name: Betuluaceae
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
  • Mature height and spread: 10m/12m
  • Form: de. tr.
  • Water use: Medium
  • Soil requirements: Well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement:  alternate
  • Flower:
  • Fruit: catkins
  • Limitations:  Susceptible to aphids and leaf; required pruning
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses:  Attract birds, Herb, Mixed shrub border, Small garden/space, Winter interest, Woodland margin
  • Quick ID description: Specimen tree for attractive bark; for winter interest due to unusual form

05 Buxus sempervirens

  • Common name: box, common box, American boxwood
  • Family name: Buxaceae
  • Quick ID: small, glossy oval or oblong leathery leaves, and small, yellowish flowers in the leaf axils.
  • Useful Cultivators and Selections: ‘Green Mountain’, ‘Suffruticosa’,
  • USDA hardiness zone: 5-8
  • Mature height and spread: 5m
  • Form:
  • Water use: regular
  • Soil requirement: well drained soils
  • Exposure: Some shade preferred but not required.
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Fall colour: green
  • Flower/ Cone/ Fruit description: not showy
  • Limitation: need pruning
  • Suitable uses: hedge or specimen

06 Carpinus betulus ‘Fastiglata’

common name: Fastiglata European hornbeam / common hornbeam
family name: Betulaceae

Quick ID: special leaf, the margin of leaf are hard and waving, with obvious vein

USDA Hardiness Zone  4-8

mature height and spread  30-40ft/30-40ft


water use  low to medium

soil requirements  adaptive

leaf arrangement/Foliage  alternate

fall colour  green

flower/cone/fruit description(s)  yellowish catkins

limitations   No serious insect or disease problems.

suitable uses  Small tree for lawns and streets. Screens. Hedges.


07 Clematis armandii

  • common name: Armand clematis
  • family name: Ranunculaceae
  • Quick ID description: narrow, long, dark glossy green trifoliate leaves, single fragrant creamy-white flowers
  • useful cultivars and selections: ‘snowdrift ’ ‘apple blossom’-
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone: 5
  •  mature height and spread: (H) 4-8m (S) 1.5-2.5m; 5-10 years
  • form:
  •  water use/ sun requirement: moist but well-drained; full sun
  • soil requirements: chalk, clay, sand, loam; pH alkaline, neutral
  • leaf arrangement: alternate
  • fall colour: green
  • flower/cone/fruit description(s)- flower: single fragrant creamy-white flowers, 5-6cm, creamy stamens, bloom in clusters in early spring; fruit: attractive fluffy seed-heads in autumn
  •  limitations: young shoots may be troubled by aphids and caterpillars; petals can be eaten by earwigs; messy foliage when leaves die back, they don’t fall off and are hard to cut away
  • suitable uses: winter and spring interest, beautiful ground cover, residential area on pergola, arbors, trellis, screening and decorative vegetation

08 Cornus alba ‘Argenteo-Marginata’

  • o common name: tatarian dogwood
  • o family name: Cornaceae
  • o Quick ID: Cornus leaf, with yellow/white margin, 4cm long
  • cultivar and selections:
  • USDA:3-7
  • Height: 4-7ft spread:3-5ft
  • type:de. sh.
  • water use: medium
  • soil requirement: well-drained
  • leaf arrangement: opposite
  • fall colour: red
  • flower/fruit description: white flowers
  • limitation: suspectible to leaf spot
  • suitable uses: flowering shrub


09 Cotoneaster salicifolius

  • common name : Willowleaf Cotoneaster
  • family name: Rosaceae
  • Quick ID description: long leaves. red fruits 1cm in clusters
  • useful cultivars and selections: ‘Repens’ ‘HQ’ and ‘Green Carpet’
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-9
  •  mature height and spread: 10″ to 15″ / 10″ to 15″
  •  form: ev. sh.
  •  water use: Low
  • soil requirements: prefers well-drained, loose soil
  •  leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate
  •  fall colour: green
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s): small, white flowers, blooms in May / small red pome fruit, ripen in September through October, can be showy, persist through winter
  •  limitations: transplant from containers only because of sparse root system / full sun to partial shade/ it is susceptible to bouts with leaf spot, scale insects and spider mites.
  •  suitable uses: hedge, bank cover, groupings or mass, for flowers or fruit effect, screen

10 Euonymus alatus

  • common name : burning bush
  • family name: Celastraceae
  • Quick ID description: leaf is amazing bright red in fall, but white on the leaf bottom, hang down on the branch
    some has wing on the branch, little red fruit, 0.5cm
  • useful cultivars and selections:‘Compactus’
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8
  •  mature height and spread: 1.5-2.5m
  •  form: de,sh
  •  water use: moist
  • soil requirements: well-drained
  •  leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite
  •  fall colour: red
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s):
  • The flowers are greenish, borne over a long period in the spring. The fruit is a red aril enclosed by a four-lobed pink, yellow or orange capsule.
  • limitations: Euonymus alatus can invade not only a variety of disturbed habitats including forest edges, old fields, and roadsides but also in undisturbed forests. Seeds are poisonous !
  •  suitable uses: hedge, hedge

11 Hydrangea petiolaris

  • common name : Climbing Hydrangea
  • family name: Hydrangeaceae
  • Quick ID description: vine, thick brown yellow/red stem, has root on old stem
    leaf 5cm, opposite
  • useful cultivars and selections: H. arborescens ‘Annabelle’ AGM:H. aspera ‘Macrophylla’ AGM
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone:
  •  mature height and spread: 2-3m? climbing
  •  form: de. sh.
  •  water use: medium
  • soil requirements: easy to moderate
  •  leaf arrangement/Foliage: opposite
  •  fall colour: green
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s): multiple flower colours
  •  limitations: need to climb on rough walls
  •  suitable uses: climbers

07-12 Ilex crenata ‘Convexa’

  •  common name: Japanese holly
  • family name: Aquifoliaceae
  • Quick ID description
    leaf small, 1cm, curved oval leaves that have a pleasing dark green color, little black berry fruit, 0.5cm
  • useful cultivars and selections
  • USDA Hardiness Zone
    6 to 9
  • mature height and spread
    Plant Height: 6 ft. 0 in. (1.83 meters)
    Plant Width/Spread: 10 ft. 0 in. (3.05 meters)
    Height: 2.00 to 4.00 feet
    Spread: 3.00 to 5.00 feet
  • form:
  •  water use: medium
  • soil requirements
    average, well-drained
  • leaf arrangement/Foliage
    Simple, alternate
  •  fall colour
    Dark green
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s)
    Bloom Time: May
    Bloom Description: White
  • limitations
    Pest problems are many, including scale, spider mites, spittle bugs, and nematodes, but these are often of minor consequence.
    No diseases are of major concern.
  • suitable uses


13 Parthenocissus tricuspidata

  • Climber/Shrub – De.
  • common name: Boston ivy
  • family name: Vitaceae
  • Quick ID description
    Pink-red petiole, alternate palmate leaf, three lobes
  • useful cultivars and selections: ‘Fenway Park’
    ‘Ginza Lights’
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8
  •  mature height and spread: 10m
  •  form: de. cl.
  •  water use: Low
  • soil requirements: no
  •  leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate
  •  fall colour: yellow, orange, red
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s): black fruit 0.7cm
  •  limitations: can grow everywhere, hard to get rid of
  •  suitable uses: climber for good fall colour

14 Phyllostachys aurea

  • Common name: golden bamboo
  • Family name: Poaceae
  • Quick ID description: Golden stems. Congested nodes on the bottom of stems. Branches: one side flat one side round
  • Useful cultivars and selections:  Phyllostachys aurea ‘Holochrysa’    Phyllostachys aurea ‘Koi’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Mature height and spread: 10m
  • Form: ev. bamboo
  • Water use: Moist but well-drained
  • Soil requirements: Loam
  • Leaf arrangement/Foliage: Alternate between nodes.
  • Fall color: Evergreen
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): no
  • Limitations: Running bamboo should be contained.
  • Suitable uses: filler, container planting


15 Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’

  • Common name: black cherry plum
  • Family name: Rosaceae
  • Quick ID description:  dark-brown bark; purple leaves
  • Useful cultivars and selections:   ‘Krauter Vesuvius’;  ‘Thundercloud’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  5-8
  • Mature height and spread:  5m/4m
  • Form: de. tr.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: average, medium moisture, well-drained loams in full sun to part shade
  • Leaf arrangement: Dull dark blackish-purple summer foliage, ruby red in colour when new and reddish-purple in autumn.
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): Abundant pink flowers, single or in groups of two to three in dense clusters in late winter to early spring. prior to leaf burst.
  • Limitations:  Hot sites once established and to a variety of site conditions, but prefers moist, well drained fertile soils and a position receiving full sun.
  • Fall colour:  purple
  • Suitable uses:  Often used as a striking small foliage contrast tree for smaller gardens or as a street tree.


16 Quercus frainetto

  • Common name: Hungarian oak
  • Family name: Fagaceae
  • Quick ID description:  wavy lobes
  • Useful cultivars and selections:  n/a
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  6-8
  • Mature height and spread:  Height:50-80 ft; Width:35-60 ft
  • Form: tree deciduous
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: tolerant drought, clay Soil
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): insignificant flower, showy friut
  • Limitations:  No serious insect or disease problems
  • Fall colour:  yellow
  • Suitable uses:  street tree


17 Quercus rubra

  • Tree – De.
  • common name: red oak
  • family name: Fagaceae
  • Quick ID description:shallow lobes
  • useful cultivars and selections:n/a
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
  •  mature height and spread: 15m
  •  form: de. tr.
  •  water use: medium
  • soil requirements: well’drained
  •  leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate
  •  fall colour: brown
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s): not showy
  •  limitations: easy to break
  •  suitable uses: street tree


18 Rhododendron ‘PJM’

  • Common name: PJM rhododendron
  • Family name: Ericaceae
  • Quick ID: medium size oblong leaf no hair
  • Useful Cultivators and Selections: ‘Elite’, ‘Regal’, ‘Pink Delight’’
  • USDA hardiness zone: 4-7
  • Mature height and spread: Height: 3 to 6 feet / Spread: 3 to 6 feet
  • Water use: regular
  • Soil requirement: acid soil. part shade
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Fall color: green
  • Flower/ Cone/ Fruit description: Lavender-pink flowers bloom in clusters of 4-9 flowers in late spring.
  • Limitation:
  • Suitable uses: Specimen, Massing, Foundation, Mixed border, Patio/sidewalk

19 Salix scouleriana

  • Tree – De.
  •  common name: Scouler’s willow, mountain willow
  • family name: Salicaceae
  • Quick ID description: fuzzy oblong leaves
  • cultivars:Salix scouleriana
    Salix scouleriana var. brachystachys (Benth.) M.E. Jones
    Salix scouleriana var. coetanea C.R. Ball
    Salix scouleriana var. crassijulis (Anderss.) Schneid.
    Salix scouleriana var. flavescens (Nutt.) J.K. Henry
    Salix scouleriana var. poikila Schneid.
    Salix scouleriana var. thompsonii Ball
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone:
  •  mature height and spread: 15m/15m
  •  form:
  •  water use: Low to medium
  • soil requirements: can tolerate swampy area
  •  leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate
  •  fall colour: green
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s): catkins
  •  limitations:
  •  suitable uses: around lakes, low lands


20 Vaccinium corymbosum

  • Shrub – deciduous
  • common name: blueberry
  • family name: Ericaceae
  • Quick ID description: red leaves in fall
  • useful cultivars and selections: ‘Duke’  ‘Spartan’
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone: 6
  • mature height and spread: 1m
  • form:
  • water use/ sun requirement: acid soil
  • soil requirements: acidic sand, loam
  • leaf arrangement: alternate
  • fall colour: red
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s): fruit: blueberry
  •  limitations: vine weevil if container grown; can be affected by powdery mildews; chlorosis due to manganese and iron deficiencies
  • suitable uses: urban food garden, sitting out area, beside benches

21 Zelkova serrata

  •  common name: Japanese zelkova
  •  family name: Ulmaceae
  •  Quick ID: hair on each teeth of the leaves
  • useful cultivars and selections:
  •  USDA Hardiness Zone:5
  •  mature height and spread: 15m
  •  form: de. sh.
  •  water use: Low
  • soil requirements: well-drained
  •  leaf arrangement/Foliage: alternate
  •  fall colour: green
  •  flower/cone/fruit description(s):  not showy
  •  limitations:
  •  suitable uses: street trees

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