List 8

01 Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’

  • common name: Japanese berberis
  •  family name: Berberidaceae
  • Quick ID: new leaf: small, 1cm long; old leaf: big, 3 cmd long. spots on leaves
  • Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Rose Glow’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  3 to 7
  • Mature height and spread:  Height: 3-6ft/4-7ft
  • Form:
  • Water use: Dry to Medium
  • Soil requirements: average, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade
  • Leaf arrangement:  alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): insignificant flower, fruit showy, red
  • Limitations: No serious problems. Some susceptibility to bacterial leaf spotanthracnose, root rots, wilt, aphids, barberry webworm and scale.
  • Fall colour:  Red and green
  • Suitable uses: berrier, hedge


02 Brachyglottis ‘SunshineShrub – De.

  • Common  name:  daisy bush
  • Family name: Asteraceae
  • Quick ID:white leaf margin (fuzzy leaf back)
  • Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Sunshine’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  8-10
  • Mature height and spread:  1m
  • Form:  ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement:  alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): showy yellow flowers like daisy
  • Limitations: ugly seed, not hardy
  • Fall colour:  green
  • Suitable uses: flower border

03 Ceanothus ‘Victoria’

  • Common name:  California lilac
  • Family name: Rhamnaceae
  • Quick ID: Leaves curl over. upright leaves and branches
  • Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Victoria’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  7-9
  • Mature height and spread:  1m
  • Form:
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement:  alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): :blue , flower. Red/black capsular fruit . late spring flowers
  • Limitations: prune after flowers; will grow big
  • Fall colour:  green
  • Suitable uses: borders

04 Choisya ternata

  • common name: Mexican orange
  • family name: Rutaceae
  • Quick ID description: 3-lobed palmate leaf, trifolius
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  8
  • Mature height and spread:  1m
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: well-drained, full sun to part shade
  • Leaf arrangement:  opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): sweet smell
  • Limitations: not hardy
  • Fall colour:  green
  • Suitable uses: specimen, hedge, containers


05 Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Lowfast’

  • common name: Bearberry Cotoneaster
  • family name: Rosaceae
  • Quick ID description
    Evergreen, fast growing ground cover with oval, glossy, bright green leaves and bright red fruit
  • Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Lowfast’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 6-8
  • Mature height and spread: 1m
  • Form: de. sh.
  • Water use: low
  • Soil requirements: no
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): red fruit
  • Limitations: not tidy, need pruning
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: ground cover on slopes

06 Cotinus coggygria


  • Common name: Smoke tree, smoke bush
  • Family name:  Anacardiaceae
  • Quick ID description:  flower and fruit on the shrub like smoke


  • Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Royal purple’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Mature height and spread: 4-8m
  • Form: de. tr.
  • Water use: low
  • Soil requirements: well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): like smoke, varied in colours
  • Limitations: need well-drained soil, desease
  • Fall colour: yellow to purple
  • Suitable uses: ornamental plant for fall colour


07 Erica carnea

  • Common name:  winter heath
  • Family name: Ericaceae
  • Quick ID description:  needle-like leaf 1*6mm
  • Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Springwood Pink’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-7
  • Mature height and spread: 30cm
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): small, yellow flowers 1mm
  • Limitations: full sun
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: ground cover


08 Escallonia x exoniensis ‘Fradesii’

  • Common  name:  Escallonia, Pink Princess Escallonia
  • Family name: allonGrossulariaceaeink Princ
  • Quick ID:
    leaf 3-4cam, teeth on the top half of the leaves
  • Useful cultivars and selections:’ Fradesii’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-9
  • Mature height and spread: 1.8m
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): tubular flowers on the tip of the branches
  • Limitations: tender
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: border


09 Hebe ‘Blue Mist’

  • common name    Blue Mist hebe
  • family name    Plantaginaceae
  • Quick ID description: biggest leaf
    Distinctive flowers; glossy textured boardleaves
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Mature height and spread: 1m
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: moisture!
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): blue flowers in clusters
  • Limitations: need irrigation
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: rock gardens


10 Hebe ‘Emerald Gem’

  • evergreen shrub
  • Common name: hebe ‘Green Globe’
  • Family name: Plantaginaceae
  • Quick ID: smallest leaves, like conifers
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Mature height and spread: 0.3m
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: moisture!
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s):
  • Limitations: need irrigation
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: rock gardens, along paths, grown on slopes


11 Hebe rupicola

  • Common name: rock hebe
  • Family name: Plantaginaceae
  • Quick ID: longer leaves
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Mature height and spread: 1m
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: moisture!
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s):
  • Limitations: need irrigation
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: rock gardens


12 Hebe topiaria

  • evergreen shrub
  • Common name: topiarist’s hebe
  • Family name: Plantaginaceae
  • Quick ID: round leaves
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Mature height and spread: 1m
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: moisture!
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s):
  • Limitations: need irrigation
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: rock gardens


13 Lavandula angustifolia

  • Common name: English lavender
  • Family name: Lamiaceae
  • Quick ID description:  special smell
  • Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Hidcote’
  • USDA Hardiness Zone:  5 to 8
  • Mature height and spread: 1-1-5 ft
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: Dry to medium
  • Soil requirements: average, dry to medium, well-drained, alkaline soil
  • Leaf arrangement:  opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): Flower: Showy, Fragrant
  • Limitations:
  • Fall colour:  Fall color is unremarkable.
  • Suitable uses: edge

14 Magnolia virginiana

  • Common name:  sweetbay magnolia
  • Family name: Magnoliaceae
  • Quick ID: leafback white, entire leaf margin
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Mature height and spread: 6m
  • Form: ev. tr.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): flower in smell like honey
  • Limitations: easy to break
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: flowering tree


15 Metasequoia glyptostroboides

  • Common name:  dawn redwood
  • Family name: Cupressaceae
  • Quick ID: 2*1.5mm opposite leaves
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-8
  • Mature height and spread: 30m
  • Form: de. tr. con.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: full sun
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): fruits: 0.3cm
  • Limitations:
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: big tree


16 Rosmarinus officinalis

  • Common name:  rosemary
  • Family name: Lamiaceae
  • Quick ID: Evergreen. Shrub. Small leaves (2-5mm). Simple. Opposite. Linear.
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 8-10
  • Mature height and spread: 2-6 ft
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: dry to medium
  • Soil requirements: well-drained
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s):
  • Limitations:  Bacterial disease, blight, root rot
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: rock gardens, dear problem


17 Rubus rolfei ‘Formosan Carpet’

  •  common name   :Formasan Carpet rubus, creeping Taiwan bramble
  • family name  : Rosaceae
  •  Quick ID description
    Very rugose (wrinkled) dark green leaves with 3-5 lobes.
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Mature height and spread: ground cover
  • Form: ev. sh
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: moisture
  • Leaf arrangement: alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s):
  • Limitations: tender
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: ground cover


18 Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis

  • common name  :dwarf sweet box
  • family name  :Buxaceae
  • Quick ID description: pointy leaves
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Mature height and spread: 1m
  • Form: ev. sh.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: moisture
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite and alternate
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s): fruit: black berry 0.8cm
  • Limitations: need irrigation
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: ground cover


19 Taxodium distichum var. distichum

  • Common name: Swamp cypress
  • Family name: Cupressaceae
  • Quick ID description: Smaller leaves than metasequoia glyptostroboides.
  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9
  • Mature height and spread: 20m
  • Form: de. tr. con.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: higher PH
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s):
  • Limitations:
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: near water


20 Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium

  • Common name: pond cypress
  • Family name: Cupressaceae
  • Quick ID description:  awl-like appressed leaves


  • Useful cultivars and selections:
  • USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9
  • Mature height and spread: 20m
  • Form: de. tr. con.
  • Water use: medium
  • Soil requirements: lower PH, can tolerate wet, compact soil
  • Leaf arrangement: opposite
  • Flower/cone/fruit description(s):
  • Limitations: full sun
  • Fall colour: green
  • Suitable uses: wet soil

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