Why We Need Social Enterprise and The Arc

When people talk about the United Nations (UN), the first description came to my mind is an organization formed by a group of countries that focuses on improving social well-being, maintaining and developing peaceful relationship among countries. However, in the case if the UN had enough funds, I still believe we need  social enterprises and the Arc to support the global community, especially in business area.


Social enterprises are very important since they offer people from developing countries more opportunities. For example, Salem’s Ethiopia hired 15 more marginalized women to the production line. The company also provided these women free training classes so as to improve their skills and productivity.捕获

Because the UN has to solve many different global issues, even if it was fully funded, it cannot spend all money and effort to support a particular business. While for The Arc, which promotes social enterprises and is mostly focusing on business concept. This program provides ways for Sauder students and the faculty as well as local entrepreneurs to apply business knowledge in the real world. When I was watching videos introducing this program and its workshops, I noticed that  many entrepreneurs were being taught to use SWOT and some accounting knowledge to analyze their own business. By getting more detail information related to business, it can help the local entrepreneurs to make use of business tools so as to identify problems and find the best solution based on the analysis.

Although the UN can offer financial support to various businesses directly, it still cannot replace the role of social enterprise. Actually, I think the UN, social enterprises and programs like The Arc should work together because they can benefit lots of people and help businesses to improve problem solving abilities as well as their performance in the community.

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