McCafe around the world

McDonalds Canada CEO John Betts, with the new McCafe home brew coffees now available at grocery stores. Photographed at the Queens Quay Loblaws store. KEITH BEATY/Toronto Star

McDonalds Canada CEO John Betts, with the new McCafe home brew coffees now available at grocery stores. Photographed at the Queens Quay Loblaws store. KEITH BEATY/Toronto Star

McDonald finally launches its coffee packages in grocery stores in Canada.

As a key competitor in the coffee shop around the world, considering about chain coffee markets, McDonald finally made a big step to sell their products in the grocery stores.  In such a competitive coffee market, many coffee makers begin to open a new path to get more maker shares. Take an example, Burger King and Tim Hortons just signed a merge deal to get a good cooperation. This deal helps both brands to expand consumer markets in U.S. and Canada. On the other hand, McDonald, as a burger and coffee behemoth, definitely have to facing the threats from other fast food restaurants. By launching the store-sell packages is a good opportunity for McDonald to competitor with others. People can not only get express coffee from the drive-thus but also can enjoy it at home. It is a good strategy to maintain the big fans of McCafe and absorbs new customers. Promote brand popularity is a efficient way to gain greater marketing shares on fiercely competitive market.

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Under the BK and TH’s merger deal



Tim Hortons and Burger King are agreed to merger and the agreement did not stop by planning of the U.S. tax inversions.

Since many companies bearing the heavy burden of taxes in U.S., some of the companies seeking a chance to move out of the country in order to reduce their taxes. The deal of Burger King and Tim Hortons seems like helping Burger King deal with the taxes issues. Therefore, government of U.S. crash down on tax inversions, which makes a adverse impact that the local company cannot access foreign cash without paying taxes. However, it does not stop their deal. They confirmed the agreement finally and demonstrates that their cooperation is for long-term economic growth but not for tax benefit.

The final signature of the agreement is a powerful answer to the U.S. government. It demonstrates the the clear purpose of this merge to the public and also raise the reputation of these two brands. It is a good beginning for their cooperation. On the other hand, even though the U.S. government tried to stop the local company transaction by implementing the taxes regulations, it is impossible to work in the long term. Companies will still move out unless the government reduces their taxes costs.

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The co-existence


Economic development cannot be an excuse to destroy our peaceful environment.

Federal government proposed a decision that BC going to invest $8-billion into a Site C hydroelectric megaproject. This project aimed to produce more clean energy by flooding valley and provide requisite energy for nearby industries. However, a delegation of B.C. first nation chiefs raise an objection to this project. The valley that BC Hydro going to operate is belong to Indian people. It is became a tradition for first nation people to farm, fish and even hold big ceremony there every year. They protest federal government destroying their peaceful land and impair their lives.

For achieving sustainable economic development, government should consider their economic project including environmental protection. Apparently, the Site C decision violated the regulation of  the First Nations. The project is not only impair their life but also violates their right of protect their habitat. As a leading role, government should consider the benefits of both sides and get supports from the First Nations. Destroying human’s habitats is like a way to kill people. Especially for the First Nations, they had signed the treaty with the government that is based on peace, sharing and co-existence.  Government should talk to the First Nations and consult together as to what it to be done.

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