Chinese Milk Scandal and the Business Ethics

Six infants died because of kidney stones and over 300,000 victims experienced different level kidney damage. Chinese mild scandal in 2008 threatened the public concerns about the safety of Chinese milk production. Sanlu Group, the brand that started the milk safety problem, added Melamine into powder hence triggered the kidney damage; besides, World Health Organization recognizes it as the largest food problem in recent years.


It is always the public responsibility to protect the health of younger generation to guarantee a safe environment to grow up. However, the case of Sanlu Group simply betrays the business ethics that to pursue more profits by damaging infants’ health. This corporation ignored the importance of business ethics and, obviously, paid for that: Sanlu Group lost both domestic and oversea market. This brand, famous in China before, represents immoral reputation in public’s sight now. It should simply not save production cost by posing negative effects on the younger generation’s health.