Foxconn: the Hell Factory

Six suicides were committed and 30 were attempted within a month last year. The reputation of Foxconn Technology Group, an international business group represents the world’s largest maker of electronic components, became immoral. There exit 400,000 employees enduring intolerable working conditions of producing iPhones, iPads, and iPods. Foxconn forced employees to sign agreement of wouldn’t commit suicide to ensure their workers could work all day and only stop for eating and sleeping.

The stressful working conditions promote this phenomenon and another reason behind it is the free choices of workers: workers with no education background could not find proper jobs but the stressful one with $130 month salary. Foxconn considers this nonstop work as a way to maximum the profits but ignores basic rights of employees.,2817,2385024,00.asp#fbid=oO3ktuNOrJM

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