Facebook Is Dying?

This is a response to Wan-Tien Tsai’s blog. In her blog, she presents that Facebook is currently losing customers due to the amount of unacceptable pop-up those are described as “inundation of violent images and hardcore pornography into some newsfeeds”. Facebook is working on the cleaning of spam on their website to protect the Facebook users but the spam attack still happens. Besides, customers are worry about their privacy, because the privacy is hard to protect on Internet, an opening social site. That’s the reason why Facebook is losing users.


I harbor the opposite opinion toward this issue. Internet becomes one of the most important and efficient ways for communication and most people are using the Internet. Facebook, as the most popular social network website, connects the social networks between people online in the daily life, which guarantees that it cannot be disappear easily. Although it contains spam and individual privacy issues, it still exits as a significant way to communicate for people in 21st century. Thus the Facebook is not dying.


Facebook is dying

The Fire Between Amazon and Apple

It can be referred from Julian Ertelt’s blog that there is a “battlefield” between Amazon and Apple that can be concluded as the competition of tablet. Apple introduced the iPad to consumers and Amazon innovated Kindle that is much affordable comparing to iPad from consumers’ perspective. Amazon launched this device that priced at only $199 could pose a considerable threst towards iPad 2 which charges $500.


In Ertelt’s point of view, the Amazon’s Kindle contains less competitive strength comparing to Apple’s iPad. I can hardly agree to that. Kindle poses more affordable price for consumers; besides, the function of Kindle is very clear: using as electronic books, and which is almost the only function. Kindle is also convenient for users to carry to anywhere. Kindle represents a fairly new innovation: the electronic ink, which promotes the direction of technology development. Hence, from my perspective, Amazon, as the largest bookseller online, will not be conquered by iPad but lead the direction of technology development.


Amazon opens Fire on Apple

Apple’s Innovation Idea

Refers to Ivan Chan’s Blog, the two largest technology companies, Apple and Samsung, are competing to acquire the largest market share for mobile-IT products like Smartphone and tablet computer. And the market is reportedly valued at $100 billion. The innovation of iPad benefits consumers and which makes profits for Apple.


Ivan analyzes the competition between the two companies, but he didn’t mention the strategy of Apple. Apple creates ideas faster than other companies and that’s why people can easily find the similarities on products of other IT companies. And the company that generates the similar idea about the same product, such as smartphone, will think about other ways to innovate their products to avoid producing identical products as the Apple’s. This guarantees Apple’s products to become a prior choice for consumers.


Apple takes Global Legal Action against Industry Rivals

Facebook Advertising Strategy

Facebook’s advertising strategy is becoming clear; besides, it’s not only brilliant, it’s unexpexted. Facebook is just like Google: improving its network and experience, meanwhile improving advertising as well. One of the most interesting things is that Facebook plans to improve its brand pages better.


It is clever to do so because improving advertising on the popular social network is not a new or particularly innovative idea. Facebook becomes one of the most popular platforms for message transition and which makes Facebook to be an advertising solution that turns advertising partners into better social media communicators. The combination of the two promotes a convenient environment for consumers who search the products they want.



The Success of iTunes

Apple is always good at innovation and which brings considerable profits to the company. Today the iTunes Music Store offers more than 8 million songs. It is the largest music retailer in the US with sales exceeding 5 billion songs. It is an innovation of Apple and it is successful. With the technology out there for anyone to digitally download music free instead of paying average $19 for a CD, the trend toward digital music was clear. This trend was underscored by the fast growing demand for MP3 players that played mobile digital music, such as Apple’s hit iPod.


I think it is wise for Apple to do so. Nowadays people can only download an individual song from iTunes for 99 cents or the entire album for $9.99, and, most importantly, that is legal. This innovation convenient consumers and makes profits.

