Facebook Is Dying?

This is a response to Wan-Tien Tsai’s blog. In her blog, she presents that Facebook is currently losing customers due to the amount of unacceptable pop-up those are described as “inundation of violent images and hardcore pornography into some newsfeeds”. Facebook is working on the cleaning of spam on their website to protect the Facebook users but the spam attack still happens. Besides, customers are worry about their privacy, because the privacy is hard to protect on Internet, an opening social site. That’s the reason why Facebook is losing users.


I harbor the opposite opinion toward this issue. Internet becomes one of the most important and efficient ways for communication and most people are using the Internet. Facebook, as the most popular social network website, connects the social networks between people online in the daily life, which guarantees that it cannot be disappear easily. Although it contains spam and individual privacy issues, it still exits as a significant way to communicate for people in 21st century. Thus the Facebook is not dying.


Facebook is dying

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